
完形填空。 An old tiger lives in the forest. He seldom (很少) goes to look for food himself. He orders (命令)other animals to _1_ him something to eat. One day he sees a monkey and says " I'm __2_ Monke y. Go to the village and bring me a fat pig." "Oh Tiger " says the monkey. " I __ 3_ do that. There 4 _ another tiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He will not let me do anything __ 5_ you. I am afraid of him." "What?" cries the tiger. "Show _6_ that tiger. I will talk to him." "Come _7_ me then." Says the monkey. The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge above the river. "Now look down _8 the river." Says the monkey. "Do you 9 the head the white teeth and large green eyes of a tiger?" "Yes I do " cries the old tiger. "I will eat him up." With these words the tiger 10_ the river. ( )1. A. make ( )2. A. full ( )3. A. can ( )4. A has ( )5. A. to ( )6. A. my ( )7. A. with ( )8. A. above ( )9.A. look at ( )10.A. walks onto B. have B. hungry B. may B. have B. on B. me B. to B. on B. see B. jumps(跳)into C. let C. thin C. can't C. are C. with C. I C. for C. at C. read C. runs into D. bring D. fat D. don't D. is D. for D. mine D. on D. up D. look D. walks to

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