
Daniel Bump, a mathematics professor at Stanford, works on a program called GNU Go in his spare time. “You can very quickly look at a chess game and see if there's some major issue,” he said. But to make a decision in Go, he said, players must learn to combine their pattern-matching abilities with the logic and knowledge they have accrued in years of playing.
One measure of the challenge the game poses is the performance of Go computer programs. The past five years have yielded incremental improvements but no breakthroughs, said David Fotland, a programmer and chip designer in San Jose, California, who created and sells The Many Faces of Go, one of the few commercial Go programs.
Part of the challenge has to do with processing speed. The typical chess program can evaluate about 300,000 positions in a second, and Deep Blue was able to evaluate some 200 million positions in a second. By mid-game, most Go programs can evaluate only a couple of dozen positions each second, said Anders Kierulf, who wrote a program called SmartGo.
In the course of a chess game, a player has an average of 25 to 35 moves available. In Go, on the other hand, a player can choose from an average of 240 moves. A Go-playing computer would need about 30,000 years to look as far ahead as Deep Blue can with chess in three seconds, said Michael Reiss, a computer scientist in London. But the obstacles go deeper than processing power. Not only do Go programs have trouble evaluating positions quickly; they have trouble evaluating them correctly. Nonetheless, the allure of computer Go increases as the difficulties it poses encourages programmers to advance basic work in artificial intelligence.
“We think we have the basics of what we do as humans down pat,” Bump said. “We get up in the morning and make breakfast, but if you tried to program a computer to do that, you’d quickly find that what’s simple to you is incredibly difficult for a computer.”
The same is true for Go. “When you’re deciding what variations to consider, your subconscious mind is pruning,” he said. “It’s hard to say how much is going on in your mind to accomplish this pruning, but in a position on the board where I’d look at 10 variations, the computer has to look at thousands, maybe a million positions to come to the same conclusions, or to wrong conclusions.”
Reiss, an expert in neural networks, compared a human being’s ability to recognize a strong or weak position in Go with the ability to distinguish between an image of a chair and one of a bicycle. Both tasks, he said are hugely difficult for a computer. For that reason, Fotland said, “writing a strong Go program will teach us more about making computers think like people than writing a strong chess program.”

Daniel Bump,斯坦福大学数学教授,在业余时间致力于一个称做"GNU Go"的项目研究."你可以快速浏览一下象棋游戏看看里面是否存在什么问题"他说,但是要玩"GO"就没那么容易了,玩家在玩的过程中要运用他们在游戏中不断积累起来的逻辑思维力及相关知识,并要结合自身的模式匹配能力.
"GO"这个电脑程序的性能是评价该游戏挑战性的标准之一.David Fotland,加利福尼亚圣何塞的编程师及芯片设计师,设计并卖出了许多GO程序的界面,他说,过去的五年里这方面改进了许多但是没有新的突破,
其中一个很大的难题在于处理速度,像一个典型的象棋程序一秒钟可以计算出大约300,000位置,Deep Blue可以计算大约两亿个位置.By mid-game,(不知道啥意思)Go程序每秒钟只能够计算出几十个位置.Anders Kierulf如是说,他曾编写过一个SmartGo程序.
玩一盘象棋游戏,玩家平均可以走25到35步,但是在Go中,可以多至240步.Michael Reiss,伦敦的一位计算机科学家,说,如果要像Deep Blue程序处理象棋时那样计算到那么远的情况的话,他三秒钟处理的事可能Go要花30,000年才能处理出来.但是问题也不仅仅是处理能力的问题.Go程序不仅不能很快计算出位置,而且计算也非完全正确.虽然如此,这些难题却更激励了编程员,吸引着他们改进人工智能方面的基础机件.
Go也一样, 当你在决定考虑做哪一步变动时,你下意识里就开始做一些整理,很难说完成这些整理花费了多少脑力,但是,在下棋时,我会考虑到10步,电脑则要考虑几千步,甚至可能上万步才得出相同或错误的结论.


第1个回答  2007-04-14
丹尼尔彭、斯坦福数学系副教授,工程进入了名为民族团结工作之余. "你可以很快看下棋,看看有没有的一些重大问题,"他说. 但在去作出决定,他说: 球员必须学会把自己的模式匹配能力与他们的逻辑和知识累积多年的玩. 措施之一是构成挑战的游戏表现到电脑程式. 过去五年取得的增量改进,但没有突破,fotland大卫说, 芯片程式设计师、圣荷西加州制造和销售者的多种风貌去, 商业上的几个节目之一. 一部分挑战是如何处理速度. 典型象棋实力派三十万阵地进行了第二次评估, 深蓝色能约200万岗位评估第二. 年年戏,最能衡量节目走了数十次阵地仅每秒基鲁尔夫安德斯说, 谁写了名为smartgo. 在下棋、打球有1925至1935年平均的举动. 在走,但在另一方面,球员可以选择由平均240动作. 居间玩电脑大约需要000年时间看看能排到深蓝与国际象棋在 3秒,在1971迈克尔说,计算机科学家在伦敦. 但深究障碍不是处理能力. 不仅要考核项目有麻烦阵地; 正确评价他们的麻烦. 尽管如此, 随着电脑的魅力去鼓励程序员造成的困难,推动基础工作人工智能. "我们认为,我们有我们的人类基本拍下来,"碰. "我们是在早上起床作早餐, 但是如果你试图做一个电脑程序, 很快就会发现,有什么困难,简单给你的电脑令人难以置信. "走同样的情况. "当你决定什么差异考虑,是你潜意识修剪,"他说. "很难说你多少了然于心为此剪枝 但在一个位置上,我真想看看那里局10变异 电脑已经看数以千计,也许万阵地来同样的结论, 或错误的结论. "1971年,专家神经网络 比一个人能认识了强弱地位顺应辨别 形象椅子和一个骑自行车. 这两项任务,他说是空前困难的电脑. 为此,fotland说 "写上节目将教导我们更坚强的人比作电脑写作这么想强大象棋 纲领. "