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我来翻译一下:在中国每个省的东西,这是专业。哈尔滨,我的家乡是著名的红香肠,中央大街,这一百多年的历史了,也是著名的元宵节。哈尔滨是著名的被称为中国冰城。哈尔滨市一样,许多其他城市有一些使他们特别。海南一样,这对美丽的海滩著名。这对云南的石林和24个不同民族家著名。景德镇市,江西省的一个城市,著名的景泰蓝。景泰蓝是一种珐琅铜工作框架内的变化。在明朝景泰年间看到一个景泰蓝作出了重大的繁荣发展时期,釉,其中主要是蓝色。因此,它得到了名'靖泰兰',这个词'兰'的含义蓝色。该产品从景泰蓝耳环巨大的小饰物,这是优雅美丽的图案和色彩明亮的闪光的形状。 王中王火腿肠二零一零年二月十八日16时57分
第1个回答  2013-07-13
Each province in China has something that it is specialty. Harbin, my hometown is famous for its Red sausages, Central Street, which has one hundred years of history and it is also famous for its lantern festival. Harbin is famously known as the ice city of China.
Just like Harbin, many other cities have something that makes them special. Like Hainan, which is known for its beautiful beaches. Yunnan which is famous for its stone forests & the home of 24 different ethnic groups. Jingdezhen, a city in Jiangxi province, it’s famous for the Cloisonné. Cloisonné is a variation of enamel work with copper as the inside frame. The Jingtai reign of the Ming Dynasty saw a remarkable thriving period of Cloisonné making, the glaze of which was primarily blue. It thus obtained the name ‘Jing tai lan’, with the word ‘lan’ meaning blue. The Cloisonne products range from little earrings to huge ornaments, which are elegantly shaped with beautiful patterns and bright glittering colors.