

The last leaf (a script)
Ting \ Muzi
Cast: props:
Aside: bed-yan, a few paintings, leaves, instant noodles
Susan: actor-man clothing, hats, music
Door Bell: Quarter
1,2,3,4 neighbors: Xia, Cong, Qi, Jing

Music sounded ... ...
Aside: the late autumn in New York, the usual bustling and noisy lost all that had to be attributed to cold, invisible to the naked eye, the uninvited guest, doctors told him to "pneumonia." The destroyer in the streets of New York flagrant follow step down on all of a sudden more than a dozen victims. Washington Square in the west side of a hut, his hand and knocked down a west wind blowing in California was not the color Ruonv Zi. WEST HAINAN lying on a painted iron bed, motionless, staring out the window opposite the Netherlands-brick walls of the space. In the early morning ... ...

WEST HAINAN: Oh, Susan you back. (Weakly)
Susan: I come back. (She reached the bedside, holding her hand)
WEST HAINAN: a doctor he is gone?
Susan: he is gone. I am not a doctor, he would lead the way, he afraid, I am afraid it is also a lifetime can not get out of this maze-like a small alley! (With a resentment)
WEST HAINAN: 12,11,10 ... ...
Susan: WEST HAINAN, what do you have a few?
WEST HAINAN: that the window of ivy leaves less and less, but a good number. (Sad)
Susan: What it leaves those few, carefully cold, I went to the curtains in one way or another!
WEST HAINAN: No, do not! (Urgent)
Susan: well, I do not pull, to come to lie down, do not go to a good number of those leaves?
WEST HAINAN: poor leaf, not a soon left the ... ... afraid I do not catch cold? Go to heaven, not afraid of anything.
Susan: nonsense, the doctor just said that he told me that you are going to a good, he said that you are so young and so beautiful, such a small point of how disease might hurt you? This is the doctor said to me! (Holding her hand and a tighter)
WEST HAINAN: Susan, looked at me, you cried, do not deny that if I healed quickly, then why do you cry? I am poor, I do not silly. I have read the newspapers, the influenza-induced pneumonia has claimed the lives of many people, me, and I was next.
Susan: No! They will not.
WEST HAINAN: This is like the leaves of the Federation of drop-off, and so on that last leaf to fall, I had to leave.

WEST HAINAN pale, lying quietly, Xiang Yizun live down the collapse of the statue, she said, eyes closed ... ...

WEST HAINAN: I want to watch because it's the last rattan leaves fall off. I get impatient, and so on. Would like to get impatient. I think out of all, as a poor, tired of the rattan leaves, long way down Gone with the Wind, Gone with the Wind ... ...
Music sounded ... ...
Susan: I said you stupid you are stupid, so young and so beautiful you are, how can their lives and it leaves a little to link them? I said that you should not, I can not say so, I said that you should not WEST HAINAN. (With tearful voice)
WEST HAINAN: Susan, I Bieguai, I do not want to leave you, do not want to leave this world, I could have been the best. This leaves just as it did not want to fall, but it does not have the strength.
Susan: No, WEST HAINAN. We do not want those leaves, please? Let's think about those things better, let us think of the Gulf of Naples, think of Van Gogh's hometown, think of the Seine in Paris.
WEST HAINAN: hey, right right, we have agreed to go to Europe, to realize our dream to become an artist.