

第1个回答  2008-06-10


第2个回答  2008-06-17
"Learning heroic teachers, demonstrated morality light" speech
Dear friends, you still remember Eagle? » Eagle shocked the world is Nashuang powerful wings! Dear friends, you have seen the scene? Wenchuan earthquake » Where we created a human eagle! That is, teachers ah people and the earth was moving in to protect the students, decided to open the arms of his life. Tan Cheng Zhu stubbornly ages open wings of the table, until the Bu Songshou also killed inside his beloved students; Wuzhong Hong open wings, following his beloved students, rescue workers cried until his arm Jukai "I won the wings, gave you fly." Zhang Mia lives with this interpretation of the lyrics. From the Kobe earthquake in Tangshan, see Fushenhuzhu children have parents, who may have thought that the teachers will not use the life blood of the life guard!
At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, it is a life for hundreds of millions of people bearing in mind the moment, in that moment, in Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province magnitude 8.0 quake. Critical moment, care, assistance coming from all directions. Before the disaster, our people teachers also points out, used his calm, wisdom, and even their lives, a security guard with a flower-like life, played a dynamic sense of days of life carol!
There is a world of tears we moved, there always exists a force so that we奋发图强, and moved in force between, we are shocked. In the face of natural disasters, Sichuan, teachers with practical actions so that we moved, but only said that we were moved, it is not enough, we feel more and think more.
Teachers are green, saffron is the students, because love, green leaves and flowers can be life companions. Teachers like Didi Mannan, even if the withered soul can be regained consciousness; teachers like Rongrong spring, even if the feelings of the frozen will melt. Teachers to students is selfless love, shouldered by the teachers of one generation's educational mission, which exceeded all the love and responsibility, Hui Jucheng an irresistible force! When the time indicator refers to May 12 that dreadful haze of the afternoon, when the disaster struck the Yishun, the teacher is the most powerful pillar of the students! That Yishun, they hope that the Health and the students left, left to their own risk of death, with life interpretation of the noble morality, let us more deeply felt "Weirenshibiao" the true meaning. They may only Yunyunzhongsheng in one, ordinary as a small stone, but it molded the glorious moment. This is not accidental that this is only their lives in the very normal part of, but this is the normal part of their lives have become part of the last and the most shocking part of it people! Shuigan Shui-only talent can be the first time in Jingtian » Shuigan Shui ordinary people in extraordinary only slowly fade away » Mrs. lasting value of their life is at this moment burst out, only to students tremendous love and tremendous devotion to the occupation so that they can face the death threats have so much courage, is the occupational sense of the sacred, let them use their own Action and even lives, we have to explain what is the morality, what is love, what is the glory! When tens of thousands of houses collapsed to the time that they love Chengqi the whole world! We must bring disaster not only the pain, when those who were rescued children grow up, they will know more than others is what courage, what is selfless, what is the responsibility!
Beloved teachers, ah, you gone, forever gone, but left us with a few also the countless number of jobs in the work of the students, is in the final moments of life saved by the student's life and We the peoples of teachers suicide human good image. You are the true qualities of the division to show the people of the professional conduct of teachers, with their own interpretation of the life of love and responsibility for the soul of morality, and again the people of the world proclaimed the sacred teaching career, first confirmed the great people of teachers, and writing A parade of gorgeous poem after another chapter!
Some people died, and he is still alive, that is, as you people, you use thin body Tingqi the backbone of the Chinese nation, you have to love life with the students on the last lesson, you have to love life with the students Chengqi A hope that the sky, you have real actions, demonstrate to the world that he is a real engineers of human souls! The same as a teacher I bow deeply to you!
The late hero, spiritual entity, teachers, peers! They learn the spirit of it, let us improve ourselves! They study the quality of it, let usfafentuqiang! Let us who are in school, harbor the world to the human soul as engineers, in the name of the teacher, in this extraordinary but lofty positions continue to sacrifice our love, our situation, we have to stay in Germany, let us become The backbone of the new century!
第3个回答  2008-06-14
不是叫你翻成英文啊- -|||