

My family
I have a big family with many members. My grandpa is the oldest in our family, while my little brother is the youngest. My aunt is taller than my mom, but not as tall as my dad. He is the tallest in our whole family.
Between me and my sister, my sister is smarter than me, and also more hardworking. She always gets up earlier than me in the morning. I think she is the most diligent one in our family. However, I run faster than her. Running is what I do best in my family.
Among all my cousins, cousin Jack eats more than the others. He has a very good appetite and can eat a lot at one meal. So we all consider him as the biggest eater in our family. Cousin Mary, on the other hand, reads most books. She borrows at least a few books from the library every week. We all know she is the most bookish one in our family.
As a whole, even though we are different in many ways, I love each and every member of my family. We support each other, share good memories, and make our bonds tighter over time. I feel very grateful to have such a warm and loving family.
此作文运用了许多比较级和最高级来对作者的家庭成员进行比较和描述。比如oldest, younger, taller, tallest, smarter, more diligent, fastest, more, most, biggest等。同时运用these, those, all等指示词让文章结构紧凑流畅。这是一篇简单但很有条理的家庭题材作文,展示了比较级和最高级的综合应用。