
新野,地理位置优越。位于河南省西南部,南阳盆地中心,属汉水流域,与湖北省襄樊市接壤。总面积1062平方公里,耕地98万亩,辖5乡7镇,73.2万人,其中农业人口65万。 新野,历史悠久,人杰地灵,新石器时代晚期形成部落,春秋时封邑,古时植桑蚕业发达,于是取诗经《国风》中《豳风》咏桑蚕之句“丞在桑野”的首尾两字联成地名“丞野”。西汉初年置县,由于丞野古时及豳国之野,豳与“新”韵同音近,于是舍豳而从新故名“新野”。东汉时,刘秀起兵新野,刘备栖踞新野,三请诸葛亮,决策“草庐”对,火烧新野,驰名中外。历史上是光武中兴的策源地和蜀汉政权的发祥地。
[名胜古迹] 有刘备屯兵新野时与诸葛亮运筹帷幄商谈军机大事的汉议事台,有世界上最小之城-关羽拴马之地汉桑城,另有太子阁、光武台、邓禹台、召父渠、荐贤岭、拦马桥、打鼓冢、凤凰山遗址等。1992年,新野被列入河南省“三国旅游线景点”之一,现在筹资开发兴建“三国旅游区”。

Xinye, the geographical position is superior. Located in the southwest of Henan Province, Nanyang basin center, a Han River Basin, and the border city of Xiangfan in Hubei province. The total area of 1062 square kilometers, 980000 acres of arable land, the jurisdiction of 5 rural town of 7, 732000 people, of which agricultural population of 650000. Xinye, has a long history, outstanding people, the late Neolithic Age in a tribe, the spring and autumn when the principality, ancient planting mulberry sericulture developed, so the book of songs "China Wind" of "bin" chant silkworm "Cheng in the mulberry field" and "into" Cheng field names". In the early Western Han Dynasty County home, because in ancient times and in the wild, wild, bin and "new" rhyme in Chinese, so give up the figure from the new named "Xinye". During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Xinye Liu Xiu revolted, Liu Bei Qi Ju Xinye, three please Zhu Geliang, "" on fire "decision, Xinye, renowned at home and abroad. Guangwu ZTE is the history of the origin and the birthplace of Shu Han regime.
[Chinese] Liu Bei places of historic interest and scenic beauty of station troops in Xinye and Zhu Geliang map out a strategy to discuss military events, there is the city - the minimum in the world of Guan Yu tie the horse to Han sang City, the prince's court, light Wu Tai, Deng Yutai, called father canal, Jian Yin Ling, stopped, drums, Lantau Peak Maqiao sites. In 1992, Xinye in Henan province was included in the "Three Kingdoms tourism scenic spots" of financing development, now built "three tourist area".

第1个回答  2013-03-30
  With an ideal location in terms of geography, Xinye lies in southwest Henan and in the middle of the Nanyang Basin bodering the Hanshui River valley neighbouring Xiangfan City of Hubei Province. It covers an area of 1062 square kilometres inculding 980000 mu of farming land and has a total of 732000 people inhabiting in 5 townships and 7 towns with afarming population numbering 650000. Having a long history witnessing numerous great people living in this fantastic land, Xinye came into existence with tribles living here beginning in the late Neolithic age, being a fief during the Sring and Autumn Period. At that time, the local livelihood relied chiefly on planting mulberry trees and raising silkworms, so someone took two Chinese characters, one is from the beginning and the other from the end of a poem line quoted from the classic called Poetry and gave this place the name Chengye. In the early Han Dynasty, a lot of countie were institutinalized, this are was named Xinye. In East Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu rebelled in Xinye and Liu Bei was also based here, who condescended to consult with Zhuge Liang about the statesmanship and invite him to help him, and later there took place a war famous for its employment of fire attack, which is said to be the tactics that Zhuge Liang decided to use inside his well-known thatch-roofed residence, Sice then, Xinye has been well-known far and wide, home and abroad. Historically, Xinye was the origin of the Golden Age of Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty and also the cradle of the Kingdoms of Shu and Han.
  Places of interest and historical sites: Conference platform used by Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang to discuss important political or military issues; The smallest city in the world, a city named Hansang where Guan Yu, a famous general under Liu Bei, once tied his war horse and had a rest. Others including Princess Pavilion, The Emperor Guangwu Terrace, Dengyu Platform, Zhaofu Aqueduct, Ridge for Recommending Talents, The Bridge of Blocking Horses, Cenotaph for Beating Drums, theRelics of the Phoenix Mountain and so on. In the year of 1992, Xinye was listed on the roadmap of tourist resorts featuring the Period of Three Kingdoms by the government of Henan Province, and now seecial funds are being raised to build it into a tourist area focusing on the theme of the Period of Three Kingdoms.