65. It was not until be arrived at the station ________ he realised he had forgotten his ticket.

65. It was not until be arrived at the station________ he realised he had forgotten his ticket.
A) that
B) before
C) when
D) after(C)

答案选A) that
解析:考察强调句。It is/was...that/who强调句型。所以正确答案应该选择A。
第1个回答  2013-04-10
it was not untill when he arrived at the station that he realized he had forgetton his ticvket
能用it that 主要是去掉it that 之后还能构成句子 而题目中无法构成句子所以不能选择that
这类用法要学会总结还有几个类似句子似乎有一个是it was 9:00when he arrived home
it was at 9:00 that he arrived home