他的家人都不认识我 英语翻译

1 他的家人 都不认识我 / 都认识我。

2 他的家人 几乎 都认识我 / 几乎 都不认识我。

3 这些人中,大部分 / 只有一部分 人,认识Tom

这些人中,大部分 / 只有一部分 人,不认识Tom

4 在座的人中间,不是每个人都认识你 / 不是每个人都是你的朋友。

5 在座的每个人都信任你,把你当做朋友。


1.His family all don't know me.或者His whole family don't know me.
His family all know me.或者His whole family know me.或者All of his family know me.
2.Almost(Nearly) all of his family know me.
Few of his family don't know me.
3.大部分:Most of these people know Tom.一部分:Some of these people know Tom.很少一部分:Only a few of these people know Tom.几乎没有:Only few of these people know me.
不认识,把know换成don't know就行了。不过一般我们不说Only few of these people don't know Tom.而是换一种肯定的表达法:Most of them know Tom.
4.有几种表达:Not everyone of us present here is your friend./Not all of us present here are your friends./All of us present here are not your friends.
5.Everyone present here trusts you,and everyone would like to make friends with you.

抱歉,2里面的多打了一个don't,应该是few of his family know me.