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00Symbols & Abbreviations Nomenclature
00N Noun
00Pron Pronoun
00Num Numeral
00Art Article
00Prep Preposition
00Adj Adjective
00Ad Adverb
00Det Determiner
00V Verb
00V-ing1 Gerund
00V-ing2 Present participle
00V-ed1 Past form of verb
00V-ed2 Past participle
00To V Infinitive
00S Subject
00O Object
00Oi Indirect object
00Od Direct object
00Cs Subject complement
00Co Object complement
00Wh-words who, when, where, how, why, which, whether
00Conj Conjunction
00Exc Exclamation
1.Noun (名词):
1.1 Classes of N: countable vs. Uncountable (名词的种类:可数名词与不可数名词)
1.2 Number of N (名词的数)
1.3 Irregular plurals (不规则复数)
1.4 Genitive case of N (名词的所有格)
1.5 Double genitive (双重所有格)
e. g . a portrait of Mr. Brown’s (cf. a portrait of Mr. Brown)
2.Pronoun (代词)
2.1 Personal pronoun (人称代词)
2.2 Demonstrative pronoun (指示代词)
2.3 Possessive pronoun (物主代词)
2.4 Reflexive pronoun (反身代词)
2.5 Interrogative pronoun(疑问代词)
2.6 Indefinite pronoun(不定代词)
2.7 Reciprocal pronoun(相互代词)
2.8 Relative pronoun(关系代词)
3.1 Cardinal and ordinal numbers(基数词和序数词)
3.2 Percentage(百分数)
3.3 Fraction(分数)
3.4 Decimal (小数)
3.5 Multiple(倍数)
3.6 Year, Month, Date, Time(年份、月份、日期、时刻)
4.1 Definite and indefrinite articles(定冠词和不定冠词)
4.2 any, all, both, each, every, either, neither, no, this, etc.
4.3 Quantifiers(数量词)
e.g.many,a piece of, etc
5.1 Simple preposition(简单介词)
5.2 Compound preposition(复合介词)
6.1 Syntactic function of Adj(形容词的句法功能)
6.2 Adj+Prep
6.3 Adj+toV
6.4 Adj+that-clause
6.5 Too+Adj+to V
6.6 Adj+enough+to V
6.7 so+Adj+as+to V
7.1 Syntactic function of Adv(副词的句法功能)
7.2 Adverbs with or without-ly(带-ly和不带-ly的副词)
e.g.high, highly; most, mlostly, etc.
7.3 Position of adverbs (副词的位置)
8.The comparative and superlative degrees of Adj/Adv(形容词和副词的比较级和最高级)
9.Verb classes(动词)
9.1 Transitive and intransitive verbs(及物动词和不及物动词)
9.2 Auxiliaries and modal auxiliaries (助动词和情态动词)
9.3 Phrasal verbs(短语动词)
e.g. depend on, turn out, catch up with, etc.
10. Tense(时态)
10.1 Simple present, past, future(一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时)
10.2 Present and past progressive(现在进行时和过去进行时)
10.3 Future progressive(将来进行时)
10.4 Present and past perfect(现在完在时和过去完成时)
10.5 Future perfect (将来完来时)
10.6 Present perfect progressive(现在完成进行时)
10.7 Past perfect progressive(过去完成进行时)
11.Passive voice(被动语态)
11.1 Passive voivce in simple tenses(被动语态的一般式)
11.2 Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses(被动语态的完成式和进行式)
11.3 Passive voice of phrasal verbs(短语动词的被动语态)
11.4 Passive voice of modal verbs(含情态动词的被动语态)
12.Subjunctive mood(虚拟语气)
12.1 in conditional sentences(用于条件句中)
12.1.1 if+V-ed1…would+V
12.1.2 if+had+V-ed2…would +have+V-ed2
12.1.3 if+should/were to+V, …would+V
12.1.4 omission of if(if的省略)
12.2 in the following that-clause after(用于下列动词的that宾语从句中)
wish, demand, suggest, etc
It + be + suggested / desirable. etc.
Suggestion, recommendation, etc.
12.3 in the following clauses and constructions(用于下列从句和结构中)
as if + clause, as though + clause
It is time that
Would rather
13.To V(Infinitive动词不定式)
13.1 as subject, object, attribute and complement(用作主语,宾语、定语和补足语)
13.2 Indicating purpose/result(表示目的/结果)
13.3 It+(be)+Adj(+for+sb.)+ to V
13.4 wh-words+ to V(phrase)(疑问词加不定式[短语])
13.5 to be+V-ed2, to have+V-ed2,to be +V-ing2(不定式的被动式、完成式和进行式)
00014.1 as object, subject and predicative(用作宾语、主语和表语)
00014.2 Prep+V-ing1
00014.3 It+be+...+V-ing1
00014.4 N/Pron or their Possessive+ V-ing1 as subject and object(名词/代词或其所有格加动名词作主语和宾语)
00014.5 Prep+N/Pron or their possessive+ V-ing1(介词加名词/代词或其所有格加动名词)
00014.6 Being+ V-ed2,having+V-ed2(动名词的被动式和完成式)
15.V-ing2 and V-ed2(Present and Past Participle现在分词和过去分词)
00015.1 as premodifier and postmodifier in a noun phrase(作名词的前位和后位修饰语)
00015.2 as complement(作补足语)
00015.3 as an adverb clause equlvalent(作状语)
00015.4 when/while,etc.+V-ing2/ V-ed2(when/while等+现在分词或过去分词)
15.6 being+ V-ed2, havins+ V-ed2,having been+ V-ed2 as an adverb or adjective clause equivalent (现在分词的被动式、完成式和完成被动式作状语或定语从句)
00016. Baslc sentence pattems and sentence elements(基本句型和句子成分)
000Pattern l:S+V
000Pattern 2:S+V+Cs
000Pattern 3:S+V+O
000Pattern 4:S+V+Oi+Od
000Pattern 5:S+V+Od+Co
17.Transformation of basic sentence patterns(基本句型转换)
17.1 Interrogative form(疑问形式)
17.2 Negative from(否定形式)
17.3 Imperative form(命令形式)
17.4 Passive form(被动形式)
18.There be There be结构
18.1 There+(be)+N+Adv
18.2 There will-/modal V+be/exist(s)/seem(s)to be/appear(s)to be +N+Adv
18.3 There (be)+N+Adj/V-ing2/V-ed2/to V/relative clause
19.1 Between subject and predicate V(主语和谓语动词的一致关系)
19.2 Between pronoun and its antecedent(代词与其先行词的一致关系)
20.Noun clause(名词从句)
20.1 that and omission of that(that和that的省略)
20.2 whether, if
20.3 which(ever),who(ever), whom, whose
20.4 when, where, why, how, how much/many/long/often
20.5 what, whatever
21.Attributive clause(定语从句)
21.1 Restrictive and non-restrictive(限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句)
21.2 That, which, who, whom, when, where, why
21.3 Whose
21.4 Omission of that/which(that/which的省略)
21.5 (N+Pron+)Prep+which/whom/whose
21.6 the same/such…as
21.7 which/as(with sentential antecedent)(which/as指代句子)
22.1 Noun in apposition(名词作同位语)
22.2 Appositive clause(同位语从句)
22.3 Noun phrase as appositive to clause(名词短语作句子的同位语)
22.4 explicit indicators of apposition
e.g. that is(to say), for example, etc.
23.Clauses of time and space (时间从句和地点从句)
23.1 when(ever), while, as, after, before, since
23.2 where(ever)
23.3 until, till
23.4 once, the moment, as soon as , each time, immediately (that), no sooner…than.
24.Clauses of condition, concession and contrast(条件从句,让步从句和对比从句)
24.1 if, unless
24.2 provided/providing(that), as/so long as, in case, on condition that, supposing
24.3 though, although, whether, even though, even if
24.4 no matter+wh-words
24.5 wh-words+-ever
24.6 whereas, while
24.7 Adj/Adv+as/though
25.Clauses of cause, result and purpose(原因从句、结果从句和目的从句)
25.1 because, as, for, for, for this reason, etc.
25.2 hence, therefore, then, as a result of , etc. 25.3 for, for this purpose, with this in mind, lest, in order than, etc.
26.Clauses of manner and comparison(方式从句和比较从句)
26.1 as, as…as, not so (as)…as, more than, less than, no/not more than
26.2 as, juse as
26.3 as if, as though
27.Clauses of proportion and other types(表示比较关系的从句和其它从句)
27.1 the…, the…
27.2 as…, so…
27.3 except that
Coordinators:and, both…and, not only…but(also), as well as, either…or, neither…nor, whether…or, not…but, for, etc.
29.Clauses with introductory it(用引导词it的从句)
29.1 Anticipatory it as subject or object
29.2 it in emphatic sentence
e.g. It is/was…that/who
30.1 Pro-forms for noun phrases(名词短语的替代形式)
30.1.1 3rd person pronouns, and plurals of the 1st and 2nd person pronouns(第三人称代
30.1.2 indefinite pronouns(不定代词)(+of+N/Pron)
30.1.3 one, ones, that, those
30.1.4 the same, the former, the latter
30.2 Pro-forms for adverbials(状语的替代形式)
here, then, thus
30.3 Pro-forms for predicate(谓语的替代形式)
30.3.1 do, do so
30.3.2 so do, so will
30.4 Sentence/Clause reference(句子或从句的替代形式)
30.4.1 this, the following
30.4.2 so, not
e.g. A:Do you think he will come?
B:Yes, I think so.(or )No, I think not.
31.Discontinuous modification(割裂)
31.1 Siparation of relative clause from is antecedent(定语从句与所修饰的名词割裂)
31.2 Separation of V-ing2/V-ed2/Prep-phrase from its head noun.(现在分词/过去分词/介
31.3 Separation of appositive (clause) from its antecedent(同位语[从句]与所同位的词的
31.4 Separation of Prep-phrase from adjective(介词短语与形容词割裂)
e.g. different techniques from those…
32.Subject-verb inversion(主语与谓语倒装)
32.1 Sentences beginning with neither, nor, so, etc.
32.2 Sentences beginning with negative adverb expressions
e.g. hardly, never, rarely, etc.
32.3 Sentences beginning with adverbs of position and direction
e.g. here, there, down, away, etc.
32.4 Sentences beginning with a fronted predicative
e.g. More important is the principle of…
32.5 Sentences beginning with only+Adv, not only…(but)also…
e.g. actually, generally speaking, to be exact, as a result, as you see, etc.
34.1 Omission through coordination(并列结构中的省略)
e.g. It’s cold in December in England, but (it’s cold)in july in New Zealand.
34.2 Omission in the following clauses(下列从句的省略)
Whether…or ont; whatever; as; than; the…, the…
35.1 Total negation(全部否定)
35.2 Partial negation(部份否定)
35.3 Double negation(双重否定)
36.1 By single words or phrases(用单个词或词组)
e.g. only, even, just, ever, alone, must, still, too, very, a good (great) deal, (by) far, a
lot, etc.
36.2 By reflexive pronouns, auxiliary verb do or emphatic it(用反身代词、助动词do或强
36.3 By inversion or repetition(用倒装或重复)
e.g. Hardly did I think it possible
37.Word formation(构词法)
37.1 Affixation(词缀法)
37.2 Conversion(转化法)
37.3 Compounding(合词法)
38.The use of it (it的用法)
36. Abbreviation(缩约法)
e.g. TV, ad, smog, etc
第1个回答  2013-04-07
百度 如何下载导入新月单词
第2个回答  2013-04-03