

A Survey Analysis of the Foreign Students’ Using Chinese Out of Classroom
Abstract The survey, done through LCP, diary and composition, found that out of classroom the foreign students in our country, mainly speak Chinese with classmates and the Chinese people, speak mother tongue between compatriots, speak English between western countries students, speak Chinese between western countries and eastern countries students, speak Chinese between eastern students. Mother tongue is mainly used for reading the newspaper, surf the Internet and deep in conversation, Chinese is mainly used for finishing homework and a simple conversation. LCP and diary and composition are reflected, mother tongue is the main language of students use out of the classroom, Chinese is a secondary language.

(1)你的研究中没有用到调查或者问卷,因此do a survey,不太合适,如果说是调查研究,也应该是research能合适一点。标题中可以直接把SURVEY删掉。摘要中,直接说through...this paper found that就可以了。或者把survey换成research.
(2)课外不是指在教室外,课余一般表达成after class,或者是in the spare time强调非上课时间。
(3)foreign students 和 Chinese people 前面都不用加the.表示普遍现象。
(4)used for finishing应该为used to finish.
(5)surf the Internet应该为surf on the Internet
(6)deep in conversation应该为converse thoroughly.
(7)a simple conversation最好是chat simply
(8)反映了什么是主动的,are relected应该为reflects the fact that
(9)use out of classroom改为:used in the spare time,
(10)逗号后,要用and连接Chinese is a secondary language.

第1个回答  2013-03-16
Article by scale and language contact and writing research diary, found that students in our country, mainly with classmates after class and the Chinese speak Chinese, native speaker between compatriots, between western countries students speak English, between western countries and eastern countries students speak Chinese, speak Chinese between eastern students. Use mother tongue is mainly used for reading the newspaper, surf the Internet and deep in conversation, using the Chinese language is mainly used for finishing homework and a simple conversation. Language contact scale and diary composition are reflected, mother tongue is the main language of students use outside the classroom, Chinese students communication of secondary language.