会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~ 禁止翻译软体 拜托 ><

请帮我把以下句子中翻英 尽量不要翻得太艰深 谢谢

我看得出来是不是翻译软体翻的 所以用翻译软体的 别浪费时间了


在No Exit"之中,Sartre描写四个人(的魂灵)坠入地狱,地狱中没有预想的酷刑,也没有火焰,只有一间封闭的密室,关着他们四个人。他们无论干什么都要在别人在场的情况之下进行 因为都是魂灵。这样的痛苦就是地狱的痛苦


因此,我认为 no exit 的意思不是没有活路可走,而是如果死亡不在最後,活著如同掉入深渊的时候,他们要如何在想死而死不了的挫败中,继续面对自己
好多高手都来回答了耶 好烦恼


其他的回答者 我也爱你们

你们的回答 全都非常有帮助唷

在No Exit"之中,Sartre描写四个人(的魂灵)坠入地狱,地狱中没有预想的酷刑,也没有火焰,只有一间封闭的密室,关着他们四个人。他们无论干什么都要在别人在场的情况之下进行 因为都是魂灵。这样的痛苦就是地狱的痛苦
In the "No exit",Sartre describes four people(in the ghost mode )'s pithing straight to the hell, there aren't any kind of torture as expected, also no flames,but only a closed room colse four of them .Whatever they do, they do in the circumstance of the others' presence,becuase they are all ghost.This kind of missery is the hell's missery.
Even thought they are dead,they can not escape from the relationships with the other people. They repeat the inevitable problems that they came across in the human life, that is ,mutual suspicion and hurt.
There isn't a mirror or a window in the closed room.The light will be always open and the dead can hardly close their eyes. These all make them live in a specific real space.They can't extend therir imagination by any kind of extended space.When the closed space run them into a dead end,they have to see what they see and confront what they confront.And the most terrible thing is that they can not die a second time, they can not escape from the hell life by committing suicide.The hell deprive their right to suicide,they do not have an exit.
因此,我认为 no exit 的意思不是没有活路可走,而是如果死亡不在最後,活著如同掉入深渊的时候,他们要如何在想死而死不了的挫败中,继续面对自己
Therefor, I think that "no exit" doesn't mean there isn't a way but death is not the last one.Living is like falling into the abyss, how could they confront themselves in the situation of wanting to dead while no way is available.
第1个回答  2013-03-28
这个我不知道是小说还是别的什么 我就当他是小说了 所以我第一句会用到Novel。 如果不是的话追问一下。

In the Novel "No Exit", Sartre describes 4 lost souls that have fallen into hell, discovering that hell was nothing like what they imagined. There is no fire, no torture, but an empty chamber. These souls are being trapped in the chamber, no privacy, this is the very torture of hell.
Even though they have already experienced death, these 3 souls still cannot avoid human perception, that is, doubt and misbelief.
There are no mirrors or windows in the room, the lights can never be turned off, the dead cannot close their eyes, this made them exist in an ever concious reality, there is no hope.. When everything seems to have no way out, they are forced to turn and face what is happening. The worst is, the dead cannot die again, they cannot escape this hell. Hell has no mercy.
As a conclusion, I believe the literal meaning to "no exit" is not that there is no way out, but rather if dying is not the equate of void , and living becomes a never ending abyss, instead of destruction, facing oneself is the only choice.

有些地方我不是直接翻译的 但是意思我都没变 只是英语这种说法更好~
我是在加拿大长大的,写这个有的地方可能用的暗喻比较隐晦,不在这边环境长大的不一定能明白 所以有不懂的地方欢迎你来追问我本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-03-28
In "No Exit", Sartre described the four persons (souls) fallen into hell where there is no savage torture or inferno but a closed backroom with four of them locked in. Anything they do there should be done in the presence of others as they are souls. This is the pain of hell: although dead, the four souls of them cannot avoid the relationship with others and are repeating the problems of mutual suspicion and hurt that cannot be evaded in human world.
In the backroom, there is no mirror, no window, lights can never be turned off, and eyes of the dead cannot be closed, all of these make them live in the concrete reality without any possibility of extending their imagination by means of extend the space. When this closed space gives them no way back, what they can do is only to turn to the now on-going things that they have to face. The more terrible thing is that the dead can't die once again; they could in no way escape hell by Dutch act. The hell has deprived them of the right to Dutch act, and gives them no simple exit.
Therefore, I think "No Exit" does not mean that there is no way for life, but that in case of death is no longer possible and life is like falling into the abysm, they have to continue facing themselves in a state that they cannot go for Dutch act even if they are desperate.
【FYI only】本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2013-03-28