

Guest: Hello, I’d like to check in please. 你好,我想入住贵酒店。Hotel staff: Certainly. Can I have the name please? 当然可以,能把姓名给我吗?Guest: Mr Harold Smith. Harold Smith先生。Hotel staff: Ok, Are you checking out tomorrow?好的,您是明天退房吗?Guest: Yes, I am. That’s right. 是的没错,是明天退房。Hotel staff: Will you need a wake up call, sir? 先生您需要唤醒服务吗?Guest: Yes please. At 6.30am. 是的,请在早上6.30唤醒我。Hotel staff: Ok then, your room is 502 on the fifth floor. Breakfast is served between 6.30am and 9am. Enjoy your stay.好的。您的房间号码是五层的502房间。早餐是早晨6.30到9点。祝您入住愉快。Guest: Thank you.谢谢你。Guest: Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of Tomlinson.晚上好,我有预定,名字是Tomlinson. Hotel
staff: Ok I’ve found it. Checking out on the 27th? 好,我找到了。是27日退房吗?Guest: That’s right. 没错。Hotel staff: Can I take a credit card for the deposit? 我能用您的信用卡划账押金吗?Guest: Yes, sure. Also, I’d like a non-smoking room please. 当然可以。另外,请给我一间无烟房间。Hotel staff: Certainly madam. Here’s your key. Your room is on the 7th floor and on the left. Room 781. Check out is at 12 noon. 当然可以,女士。这是您的房间钥匙。您的房间在7层左侧,房间号码781。退房需要在中午12点之前。
第1个回答  2013-09-24
Scene 1 Between the Guest and the Room AttendantGuest: Excuse me. We're leaving today.Room Attendant: Is there anything I can do for you?Guest: No, just tell the accounting desk abou it.Room Attendant: My pleasure. By the way,I'd like to tell you that the check-out time is 12∶00 noon,sir. Scene 2 At the Accounting Desk Guest: I'd like to pay my bill now.Front Office Cashier 1: Your name and room number,please?Guest: George Wright,Room 706.Front Office Cashier 1: Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room,Mr George Wright?Guest: Yes,my friend and I just had breakfast at the dining room,but we didn't use any services.Front Office Cashier 1: Fine.This is your bill,Mr George Wright. Four nights at 90 US dollors each,and here are the meals that you had at the hotel.That makes a total of 665 US dollars.Guest: Oh, my God! How could it be so much? I didn't expect it to be so much. Maybe there is something wrong with the meals.Front Office Cashier 1: I'm very to hear that, Mr George Wright. Don't worry. I'll check it at once.(The Front Office Cashier 2 calls the manager of Food and Beverage Outlets)Waitress A: This is the Food and Beverage Outlets. Can I help you?Front Office Cashier 2: This is the Front Office. I'd like you to reaffirm the meals of Mr George Wright. There is something wrong with the cost.Waitress A: OK. Just a minute.... Oh, yes, you are right. The cost should be $201.
Front Office Cashier 2( turns to Mr George Wright): Sorry, sir,we made a mistake.Guest: What happened? How could you be so careless! I want to see your lobby manager.(The lobby manager comes. )Lobby manager: Sorry, sir. I've heard about the accident. Here I want to apologize to you for our carelessness and the delay and inconvenience that it brings to you. Please frogive us. We won't make the same mistake again. And we''ll give you a small gift. Welcome you to here next time.Guest: That'll be fine.(Turns to Front Office Cashier 1)Guest: Can I pay by credit card?Front Office Cashier 1: Certainly.May I have your card,please?
Guest: Here you are.Front Office Cashier 1: Please sign your name here.
Guest: Oh, yes.Is it possible to leave my luggage here until I'm ready to leave this afternoon? I'd like to say good-bye to some of my friends.Front Office Cashier 1: Yes,we'll keep it for you.How many pieces of your luggage?
Guest: Just three.I'll be back by 3∶00.Front Office Cashier 1: That's fine. Have a nice day.Guest: Thank you.See you later.
第2个回答  2014-09-24
多听 多看 多说 多思考 多练
第3个回答  2014-07-18
不想跑课就在网上找个口语学习也不错啊,下班晚上上课撒,周末照旧可以玩什么的,也不影响生活。我都是工作.好.下班九点后才回家上线夭下英语中心、多恩加英语上课,可以进行视频教学,中外教都有。希望可以帮到你。A:Good afternoon,what can i do for you ?B:I'm new here and i little English. Can you translate the menu for me ,please?A:Well ,there is a Cnese menu here.What would you prefer?B:I'd like to have fried potatoes and fried fish.A:Any drinks?B:OK,a bottle of oringe juice,please.A:Here are what you ordered just now.B:Thankyou.A:下午好,您需要什么帮忙嘛?B:我懂很少英语,你能把菜单翻译下嘛?A:这有一份中文菜单,您想要什么呢?B:我要炸土豆和炸鱼。A:要不要来些饮料呢?B:来一瓶橙汁。A:这是您刚才点的。B:谢谢。