

1.someone is watching me(hilary duff)希拉蕊2001年因为主演迪士尼频道的影集《新成长烦恼Lizzie McGuire》而人气爆红,成为全球青少年心目中最优质的甜美偶像,其专辑销量至今已突破一千三百 万张的白金认证歌手
2.Thank you(dido)如果你对Dido(蒂朵)这个名字陌生的话, 那你肯定听过这届格莱美奖上Rap歌手 Eminem(阿姆)和Elton John演唱的压轴曲《Stan》,这歌就是里面的女声。 英国乐坛史上最畅销 女歌手,两张专辑全球销售破2200万张 ,声音像德芙一样醇美。
3.winter in my heart(befour)Befour是一个来自德国的男女4人组合,你一定听过其出道歌曲“Magic Melody”,但这首歌自我觉得更耐听.
4.look what you have done(jet)评价相当高的新生代乐团。慵懒的旋律十分耐听..同样还有其《hold on》蜘蛛侠三的片尾曲,以及《shine on》
5.all about us(tatu)同样推荐还有tatu的《30 Minutes》《All The Things She Said》《love me not》( QQ飞车主题曲)
6.young for you(the gala)有着简单旋律却让人感觉无限美好的歌曲,主唱苏朵大着舌头的英语让人觉得快乐。他们自然,毫不掩饰。
7.imagine me without you(Jaci Velasquez)听一遍就会爱上的歌.
8.gotta have you(the weepies)淡淡的感觉带着简洁和清新的味道,细腻的吉他,抒情的歌词,非常值得品 味。同样
9.the truth that you leave(pianoboy)你听了之后告诉你这首旋律优美的钢琴曲是台湾一个非音乐专业的研究生创作的你一定不相信。这是其成名曲.还有一首《douter coffee shop》
10.because you live(Jesse McCartney )杰西麦卡尼人超帅,歌也唱得好
11.are you the one(Timo Tolkki)空灵的声音仿佛质问你的心灵.旋律优美,金属氛围浓,无论是女声还是那段吉他solo,都深情的要人命,有种断肠之情。芬兰首席古典旋律金属大老Stratovarius乐队的当家吉他手.
12.valder fields single(tamas wells)听着Tamas Wells总是容易想起那些骑着单车四处游荡无忧无虑的校园时光,如此纯净美好的声音,不着迷都不行 .Tamas Wells既是团名也是其中主唱的名字,这支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团最早成立于2000年初
13.trouble is a friend(lenka) 倚著曼妙琴韵随处飘扬,Lenka的嗓音甜而不腻且像个小淘气般蹦跳游移其中,绝对讨好你挑剔的双耳.还吐血推荐lenka的名曲《the show》
14.bonny bonny(Cara Dillon)Cara的声音清澈美丽,犹如天籁,不可否认Cara Dillon拥有极少数人才有的美妙嗓音《Craigie Hill》应该是大家更为熟悉的Cara Dillon的一首歌曲,一样的动听,听着如此纯净的声音,真的仿佛周围的一切也变得如此简单,美丽。。
15.letting go(jo de la rosa )简单的旋律,朗朗上口。
16.I still believe( ため息)2007年转籍至Being旗下新设公司Northern Music后推出新单曲《I still believe ~ため息~》,作为《名侦探柯南》第27首片尾曲.
17.reason why (伊藤由奈 )伊藤由奈在日本被视为实力派歌手,特别在高音方面得到公认,被日本媒体誉为“天使的歌声”。这首歌比较带劲。
19.we are one(kelly sweet)又一曲甜美庸懒的吟唱.Kelly Sweet 是美国歌坛新人,有些像早期的Mariah Carey,她嗓音的可塑性被誉为媲美诺拉琼斯Norah Jones、乔许葛洛班Josh Groban、蒂朵Dido等一线天王天后,被视为是新生代接班人。同样推荐的还有她的《Giorno Dopo Giorno》(意大利语:日复一日)
20.oh mylove(john leonnon)没人不认识这个神样的名字,经典的歌。旋律优美。
21.so hot(wonder)不久前听到的一首新歌.觉得曲风不错.Wondergirls的全体成员是通过公开选秀的激烈竞争,被选拔出来的。
22.tell me why(declan)英国最畅销的童音天籁.
23.suicide is painless(lLady&Bird)。吉他加上一些柔软的和声,入耳是滑腻的,然而又不是一种甜腻,借用一句形容mum音乐的话就是:"于冰冷之处呵出温暖之花"女生合唱的吟或是拟声层次丰富而韵律感十足层层叠叠不犹让人想起莲花之类的东西一层层铺展开来,花瓣柔和呈现的同时清香出来了,浸入人心.这歌中文翻译是"自杀是没痛苦的“。
24.better in time(leona lewis)英国超女.这首歌令人惊艳!
25.It's not goodbye (laura)意大利国宝级女歌手 Laura.Pausini.同样强烈推荐她的《do i dare》《I Need Love》
27.and it's goes(珍尼弗 温拿斯)这是她发布的专辑[The Well 井]中的一首歌曲,好像是翻唱的,印象中比原唱男音版耐听.
28.whistler for the choir(the fratellis) The Fratellis是现在苏格兰最被看好的indie团体,2005年10月份才组建的乐队,已经有评论把他们和The Libertines相提并论了。同样推荐其成名曲《Henrietta》这首歌集合了英国indie音乐的一切优点,俏皮和别具一格。
29.violet hill(coldplay)在4座葛莱美奖、4座全英音乐奖加持和两张专辑累积全球1700万张.他们就是酷玩乐队,这是他们今年推出的歌曲,暑假时在家听到的.
30.welcome to my life(simple plan)加拿大流行朋克乐队.这首歌听起来超级有感觉.还吐血推荐其《Shut Up》,依然是Simple Plan招牌式的流行朋克曲风。
31.stand(jawel)她被赞誉为现今流行乐坛最有才华且最出色的歌手之一,这首好像是她翻唱的一首.同样推荐其《Foolish Games》
32.Gullia ( Oops Jaime Pas Langlais )一首意大利歌曲,活泼的曲风,第一次听就会爱上!

第1个回答  2013-09-20
第2个回答  2013-09-20
if a song could get me you
seasons in the sun
you will be my love
truly madly deeply
nothing in the world
take me home country road
my love will get you home
第3个回答  2013-09-20
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we interrupt our program of Dance Music,
To bring you a special bulletin from the intercontinental radio news.
Our very own Pop Princess -now Queen of Pop,
Has a special announcement she will like to make.."
You're in...
I think I'm ready for my close up..
You don't like me
I don't like you, It don't matter (Who?)
Only difference
You still listen, I don't have to (Who?)
In one ear and
Out the other, I don't need you (Who?)
Your words don't stick
I ain't perfect, but you ain't either (Who?)
If your feeling froggy leap (Oh)
I ain't even lose no sleep (Oh)
Theres more to me than what you see (Oh)
You wouldn't like me when I'm angry..
Mr. Photographer
I think I'm ready for my close-up (Tonight)
Make sure you catch me from my good side (Pick one!)
These other (HA) just wanna be me
Is that money in your pocket?
Or you happy to see me?
Kill the Lights!
(Take 'em out, turn 'em off, break 'em down)
Kill the Lights!
(Don't be scared, make a move, see me now?)
Kill the Lights!
(I've seen you, watching me, watching you)
Kill the Lights!
You can't handle the truth
What happened to you?
(The Lights) Pure (The Lights) Satis (The Lights) Faction
(The Lights) Lights (The Lights) Camera (The Lights) Action
(The Lights) Pure (The Lights) Satis (The Lights) Faction
(The Lights) Lights (The Lights) Camera (The Lights) Action
All the flashin', tryin' to cash-in
Hurts my eyes
All the poses, out of focus
I despise
Eff me over, your exposure
Not the best
You want me bad, I want you out
Release this stress..
Mr. Photographer (Yeaaaaaah..)
I think I'm ready for my close-up (Tonight) (Yeaaaaaah..)
Make sure you catch me from my good side (Pick one!) (Yeaaaaaah..)
These other (HA) just wanna be me
Is that money in your pocket? (Yeah)
Or you happy to see me?
Kill the Lights!
(Take 'em out, turn 'em off, break 'em down)
Kill the Lights!
(Don't be scared, make a move, see me now?)
Kill the Lights!
(I've seen you, watching me, watching you)
Kill the Lights!
You can't handle the truth
What happened to you?
I KILL (Hey!)
(The Lights) Pure (Hey!) (The Lights) Satis (The Lights) Faction
I KILL (Hey!)
(The Lights) Lights (Hey!) (The Lights) Camera (The Lights) Action
I KILL (C'mon)
(The Lights) Pure (Hey!) (The Lights) Satis (The Lights) Faction
I KILL (Hey!)
(The Lights) Lights (Hey!) (The Lights) Camera (The Lights) Action
You're the star now, welcome to the big league
They all want a pic, they all wanna see, see, see
What you're made of... what you're gonna do
Is life gonna get the best of you?
Kill the Lights!
(Take 'em out, turn 'em off, break 'em down)
Kill the Lights!
(Don't be scared, make a move, see me now?)
Kill the Lights!
(I've seen you, watching me, watching you)
Kill the Lights!
You can't handle the truth
What happened to you?
II KILL (Hey!)
(The Lights) Pure (Hey!) (The Lights) Satis (The Lights) Faction
I KILL (Hey!)
(The Lights) Lights (Hey!) (The Lights) Camera (The Lights) Action
I KILL (C'mon)
(The Lights) Pure (Hey!) (The Lights) Satis (The Lights) Faction
I KILL (Hey!)
(The Lights) Lights (Hey!) (The Lights) Camera (The Lights) Action