

Hamburgers and ice cream are unhealthy food.这句强调Hamburgers 和 ice cream属于不健康食物,因此food为不可数。

Coke is an unhealthy drink. 这句加了冠词an,强调Coke(可口可乐)是一种不健康饮料,因此drink是可数的。



drink作“饮料”解时,可指矿泉水、柠檬茶等不含酒精的软饮料(soft drink),也可指啤酒、白酒等含酒精的硬饮料(hard〔strong〕 drink),还可指热茶、咖啡等温度较高的热饮料(hot drink),作此解时是不可数名词;而作“一杯杯的饮料”解时,是可数名词。





英语泛指“喝酒”只说drink,不说drink wine; “喝一杯?”一般用have〔take〕 a cup of...,不用drink a cup of...。


一、drink, have, take


1、就宾语来说,这组词都可指喝酒、饮料或水; have还可指吸烟; take还可指吸烟和呼吸新鲜空气。

2、就方式来说, take和have可用任何方式; 而drink通常指用嘴直接喝,而不用勺、匙或吸管。


二、drunk, drunken


1、drunk可以用作表语, drunken只用作定语; 在当代英语中, drunk也可用作定语。

2、drunk作定语的意思是“偶尔喝醉的”; 而drunken则指“经常喝醉的”

第1个回答  2017-09-06
vt.& vi.喝(酒); 饮; 喝酒; (尤指)酗酒;
n.酒,饮料; 酒宴; 一杯或一份酒;
ADJ. cold, cool, iced, refreshing I could do with a nice cool drink. | hot, warm | milky | fizzy | low-alcohol, non-alcoholic, reduced-alcohol, soft | alcoholic | stiff, strong | diet, low-calorie | long She took a long drink of cold water. | celebratory | welcome You will be offered a welcome drink on arrival at the hotel. | farewell | early-evening, lunchtime | leisurely We were enjoying a leisurely drink before dinner. | quick | quiet
QUANT. round We ordered a round of drinks while waiting for a table.
VERB + DRINK drink, have I'll just drink my drink then we can go. She had a hot drink and went to bed. | sip | down, finish, knock back He knocked back his drink in one go and ordered another one. | take He took a drink of his beer and sat down. | go for Would you like to go for a drink after work? | buy (sb), get (sb), offer (sb), order (sb) Can I buy you a drink? | pour (sb), serve (sb) He poured himself a stiff drink to calm his nerves. | spike The robbers spiked his drink before taking his wallet and passport. | drive sb to Her money problems drove her to drink (= made her start drinking a lot of alcohol). | turn to After his wife died, he turned to drink.
DRINK + NOUN drinks party We've been invited to a drinks party. | drinks cabinet/cupboard She took a bottle from the drinks cabinet. | problem She suspected her boss had a drink problem.
PREP. in a/the ~ Do you want ice in your drink? | ~ of I'll have a drink of milk, please.
1 take liquid into the body
ADV. greedily I pulled the ring-top from the can and drank greedily. | down, up He filled a cup with water and drank it down in one gulp. Drink up, and let's go home.
VERB + DRINK get yourself sth to, find sth to, have sth to Go and get yourself something to eat and drink.
PREP. from He drank from a tumbler. | through drinking lemonade through a straw
PHRASES eat and drink
2 drink alcohol
ADV. excessively, heavily, to excess, too much He's been drinking heavily since he lost his job. | in moderation, moderately, sensibly One way of persuading people to drink sensibly is to provide good-tasting alternatives with less alcohol. | steadily She had been drinking steadily since the early morning.
PHRASES drink and drive The campaign aims to persuade people not to drink and drive. | drink like a fish (= drink a lot) Simon was drinking like a fish that evening. | drink yourself to death He knew that he was probably drinking himself to death.
第2个回答  2019-04-17
第3个回答  2018-12-19
