

happy fun
第1个回答  2013-09-05
单词happy pleased glad delighted
句子 如:I am so happy! I am very happy! I am very pleased!
第2个回答  2013-09-05
excited happy
第3个回答  2013-09-05
happy fun
第4个回答  2022-12-09
心情愉快舒畅 rejoice ; feel happy ; feel happy rejoice
心情愉快的 euphoric ; lighthearted ; cheery ; buoyant
心情愉快地 with a light heart
保持心情愉快 Be happy ; Keep happy ; Keeping happy ; maintain happy
令人心情愉快 A pleasant mood ; Feel good ; It is happy
他令人心情愉快 He is happy ; He was happy ; He was a happy mood
心情愉快的样子 haveeasyofmind
让他人心情愉快 To give someone a lift
让人心情愉快 Make people happy ; Make people feel good ; Let people happy