

第1个回答  2013-08-31
From your missing momo
首先 一句问候语,如:hi ,Garcia,how it going?we have been not meeting for ...years.
如果说还有别的事情(次文)隔排简写之 .如用连接词转变话题:by the way, however, i have something with to you...etc
接着适当的去问对方(如Garcia)他的处境与生活状况,或者直接切入自己的祝愿与心意,如:I am happy to recieve your letter from your sincere heart....And what about you ? write me soon...
to my dear - carcia
第2个回答  2013-08-31
A Message to Garcia tells the story of an American soldier charged with delivering a critical message to a leader of Cuban rebel forces during the Spanish American War. In Hubbard’s account, he delivered the urgent missive with no questions asked, no complaining, and no hedging. The enduring and almost unbelievably simple message of the essay is this: When asked to perform a task, don’t ask How...? or Why...? or Wouldn’t it be better if, . . . ? Just do it—and you will become more valued and respected than you ever imagined possible.

第3个回答  2013-08-31