

Danish troubled, vigil guards saw wang haunter, told prince Hamlet. And his uncle Claude mourning, which took the brother of succession to the throne. The prince and skip that dialogue, father of truth, the uncle of evil prince fool on occasion for truth, director of a confirmed by poison skits, please pharaoh king of new new after viewing spot color, uncle, prince thought mother was crazy, dare anyone's missing from the pain of suicide and hermione, who at the heart, and hate Claude king collusion than the sword YuJianFeng poisonous wine when besmear, poison, within the prince, but GeChu by evil queen swallowed, ray, Obama for his sword, and died prince told the truth, the prince and his father also heroic sacrifice. 丹麦王驾崩,守夜卫兵看见老王幽魂出现,告知哈姆雷特王子。而叔父克劳迪服丧未满,即娶其兄嫂继承王位。王子与幽魂对话,获知叔父谋害父王之真相,王子装疯卖傻为证实真相,导演一出老王被毒杀短剧,请新王与新后观赏,叔父当场色变,母后以为王子疯了,奥菲莉亚遭情人失踪及丧父之痛投河自杀,引起雷奥提斯心头之恨,与克劳迪王共谋比剑时涂剧毒于剑锋,酒内下毒,加害王子,不料被葛楚皇后误饮,雷奥提斯自己亦为毒剑所伤,临死告知王子真相,王子报了父仇,自己亦壮烈牺牲。