

定语从句 所谓从句,就是一个主谓结构相当于整个句子(这样的句子叫复合句)的一个成分,因此,从句不能单独使用。在复合句中修饰名词或代词、作定语的句子叫定语从句。定语从句是中国人学英语的难点之一。其实定语从句很有规律,总结如下:在关系代词中that既可指人又可指物、既可作主语又可作宾语,因此,除了在非限定性定语从句中,用that一般不会出问题。关系副词的用法比较单一,它们从句中只起状语的作用,表示时间的就用who门,表示地点的就用where,而why只修饰一个词,即reason。定语从句所修饰的词叫“先行词”,因为它总是处在定语从句的前头,比定语从句先行一步。引导定语从句的词叫关系词,包括关系代词和关系副词。关系代词:who,which,that作从句的主语whom,which,that作从句的宾语(可省略)whose从句中作定语以下情况只能用that,不能用which: i. 先行词为不定代词all, little, none,any,every,no,much, anything, nothing ii. 先行词有最高级和序数词修饰时(包括: the only, the very, the same, the last, the next等) iii. 先行词既有人又有物的时候以下情况只能用which,不能用that;① 引导非限制性定语从句(包括代表整个主句的意思时)② 介词+关系代词的结构中关系副词:when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语why指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语,只修饰reason。如果用定语从句把两个句子合二为一:首先找出两个句子当中相同的部分,定语从句修饰的就是这一部分。要把其中一个句子变成定语从句,就要把这句中相同的那个部分用一个关系词来代替;代替时,先看被代替的部分是指人还是指物、再看它作什么句成分。指人并作主语的,就用who。或that;指人并作宾语的,就用whom或that;指人并作定语的,就用whose。指物并作主语的,就用which或that认指物并作宾语的,还是用which或that认是物并作定语的,就用whose或of which。这样找好并替换以后,再把这个关系代词放到要变成定语从句的那个句子的最前面(被代替的部分不能再保留,其它的词语一律不变),这个句子就变成了定语从句。然后,再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,最后,如果还有其它句子成分,就把它们放到定语从句的后面,就行了。例如:Have you found the book? You were looking for the book yesterday.在这两个句子中,the book是相同的,定语从句修饰的就是the book。把后面这一句变成定语从句,找个关系词来代替the book;在将要被变成定语从句的名子中,the book是物并作宾语,所以用which或that代替它。然后把which或that放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序一律不变。这时,就成了"that/which you were looking for yesterday?”,再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,就成了“have you found the book that/which you were looking for yesterday?”定语从句就完成了,主句是问句,所以句末用问号。that/which代替的是原句中的宾语,原句变成了从句,它们仍然作从句的宾语。关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略,因此上句又可变成“have you found the book you were looking for yesterday?”.请同学们照上面的例子,把下面变定语从句的步骤说出来(括号里的可以省略):( 1 ) "The dog belongs to the Browns. It ate my fish yesterday."……The dog which/that ate my fish yesterday belongs to the Browns。(2) "The lady has gone to the police station. Her car has been stolen."……The lady whose car has been stolen has gone to the police station.(3) "I' ve seen the film. His girl friend played the leading role In it.''……I' ve seen the film {which / that) his girl friend played the leading role in</p><p>……I’ve seen the film in which his girl friend played the leading role.</p><p>……His girl friend played the leading role in the film {which/that) I’ve seen.</p><p> 关系副词与此同理。只是关系副词代替的是原句中的状语。在被代替</p><p>之前,这个状语中一定要含有一个与另一句相同的成分。</p><p>例如:This is the house甲I was barn and brought up in the house.在这两个句子中,in the house是句子里的地点状语,定语从句修饰的就是the house。把后面这一句变成定语从句。在将要被变成定语从句的句子中,in the house是地点状语,所以用where来代替它。然后再把where放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序来代替它。然后再把where放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序一律不变。这时,就成了"where}was barn and brought up"。再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,就成了"This is the house where I was barn and brought up.”,定语从句就完成了,主句是陈述句,所以句末用句号。Where代替的是原句中的状语,原句变成了从句,它就作从句的状语。(4) The hotel is an artistic building. We' 11 stay in it.……The hotel where we' 11 stay is an artistic building.……The hotel (which/that) we' 11 stay in is an artistic building.……The hotel in which we' 11 stay is an artistic building.(5) Perhaps they' ve heard of the place. We went there for our holidays last time.……Perhaps they' re heard of the place where we went for our holidays last time. 定语从句请读者照上面的例子,把下面变定语从句的步骤说出来(括号里的可以省略):(6)They’re redecorating the room. A conference will be held in the room. →They’re redecorating the room where a conference will be held. →They’re redecorating the room (which /that) a conference will be held in. →They’re redecorating the room in which a conference will be held.那么,“介词+关系代词”是怎么回事呢?原来上面这个例句,还有一种做法:This is the house. I was born and brought up in the house.在这两个句子中,the house是相同的,定语从句修饰的就是the house 。把后面这一句变成定语从句。在将要被变成定语从句的句子中,the house表示物而且是介词in的宾语,所以用关系代词which或that来代替。然后把which或that放到本句的最前面,其它的词和语序一律不变。这时,后面这一句就成了 “which/that I was born and brought up in”。再把这个定语从句整个放在被修饰的词后面,就成了“This is the house which/that I was born and brought up in”。定语从句就完成了,主句是陈述句,所以句末用句号。 which/that代替的是原句中的宾语,原句变成了从句,它们就作从句的宾语。关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省略,因此上句又可变成“This is the house I was born and brought up in.”但是,in可以提到关系代词的前面,不过这时不能用that,而且不能省略。所以上句又可变为“This is the house in which I was born and brought up.”这就是“介词+关系代词”的来历。定语从句又分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。限定性定语从句把它的先行词限定在特定的意义之内,对先行词起限定的作用、是先行词必不可少的修饰语,没有它,整个句子的意思就会受到影响、就不完整。非限定性定语从句不对先行词起限定的作用,不是先行词必不可少的修饰语,只对先行词起补充说明的作用,没有它,整个句子的意思不会受到影响、仍然完整。非限定性定语从句相当于一个分句,翻译时也是把它当作分句处理的。非限定性定语从句和它的先行词之间要用逗号隔开;而限定性定语从句和它的先行词之间不能用逗号隔开。非限定性定语从句中除了不用that以外,其它关系词都可使用,使用方法与限定性定语从句一样。例如:The supermarket which was opened two months ago is now closed down.两个月前开的那家超市现在已经倒闭了。(限定) The supermarket, which was opened two months ago, is now closed down. 那家超市现在已经倒闭了,那家超市两个月前开的。(非限定)The book(which) you’re reading is mine . 你正在读的那本书是我的。(限定) The book, which you’re reading, is mine. 那本书是我的,你正在读那本书。(非限定)如果以上例子的差别不十分明显,再看下面的例句: I’ve been to London , which is a beautiful city。 我去过伦敦,那是个美丽的城市。 Your father, whom I respect very much, is a kind old man. 你父亲是个很和善的老头,我很尊重他。 Nanjing, where I lived for five years, is very hot in summer. 南京夏天非常热,我在那里生活过五年。 在以上三例当中,定语从句不就能是限定性的。若变成限定性定语从句,其意就成了“我去过那个是座美丽的城市的伦敦。你那个我很尊重的父亲是个很和善的老头。我在那里生活过五年的南京夏天非常热。”言外之意是还有别的伦敦、父亲和南京。通过这几个例子我们可以看出,专用名词以及世界上独一无二的东西都不能有限定性定语从句。因为它们的意义本身已经非常清楚,不需要对其进行限定。另外,非限定性定语从句的先行词还可以是整个主句所表达的意义。如:He did well in the physics exam, which surprised me. 他物理考得很好,这使我很吃惊。(学地道的英语有两个重要的练习方法:parallel writing, and reverse translation,即平行写作和逆翻译。所谓平行写作,就是模仿英语的句子写类似的句子。而逆翻译就是先把英语译成汉语,或根据汉语的译文,再把汉语翻译成英语,再把英语译文同原文比较,分析差异。这两种方法能避免汉语式英语。)He did well in the physics exam, which surprised me. 他物理考得很好,这使我很吃惊。 请把这句话逆翻译。有的同学会翻译为:He did well in the physics exam, this surprised me. 这句话错在什么地方呢?错在句法。这句话有两个主谓结构,是两个并列的分句,但没有连词(this 是代词),这就成了串句。再如:He’s very particular about wording, which I am not. 他很咬文嚼字,而我不。 I said nothing, which made her angry. 我什么也没说,这使她很生气。 Tom didn’t go to the show, which was a pity. 没去看演出,这很遗憾。
第1个回答  2013-08-27
定语从句 定语从句是用来修饰、描述或提供有关名词、代词或整个主句信息的从句。它在整个句子中起形容词的作用。被修饰的名词,语法上称作先行词。从句由关系代词或关系副词引导。关系代词和关系副词不仅起引导定语从句、连接先行词的作用,同时还充当定语从句中的一个成分,如:主语、宾语、介词宾语、表语、定语或状语等。定语从句由下列关系代词和关系副词引导: (1) who, whom, that(2) which, that(3) whose(4) when(5) Where(6) why 1. 修饰、指代人物 关系代词who, that 引导的从句修饰、指代人物,在从句中作主语。(1) 关系代词作主语 (1) I thank the woman. She helped me.  a. I thank the woman who helped me.  b. I thank the woman that helped me. (2) 关系代词作宾语 关系代词whom, who, that 在从句中作动词宾语时,修饰、指代人物。Whom 是宾格形式, 常用于较正式的英语中。who和that 常用于口语和非正式的英语中。在口语和非正式英语中更多的情况下,作动词宾语的关系代词常被省略。 (2)The man told me to come back. I saw him in the office. a. The man whom I saw in the office told me to come back. b. The man who I saw in the office told me to come back. c. The man that I saw in the office told me to come back. d. The man I saw in the office told me to come back. 我在办公室见到的那为男士叫我回去。 注意:1. 引导从句的关系代词一定要放在从句的最前面,例如: 从句whom I saw in the office,虽 然关系代词whom 在句子中作动词的宾语,也应放在从句的最前面。 2. 从句应尽可能地紧跟在所修饰的名词后面。从句whom I saw in the office是用来修饰the man, 所以应放在the man 后面。(3) 关系代词作介词宾语 当关系代词在从句中作介词的宾语时,正式英语中,往往将介词提到关系代词前面。 (3) The woman spoke French. I traveled with her.
a. The woman with whom I travelled spoke French. 和我一起旅行的那位女士讲法语。注意:在这类句子中修饰、指代人物时,只能用whom 。关系代词不可以用who 或that。 也不可以省略 关系代词。 在口语和非正式英语中,介词往往放在原来的位置,即:在谓语动词之后。在这种情况下,关系代 词可以是who/ whom/that, 也可以省略。 b. The woman whom I travelled with spoke English. c. The woman who I travelled with spoke English. d. The woman that I travelled with spoke English. e. The woman I travelled with spoke English.2. 修饰、指代事物关系代词that, which引导的从句用来修饰、指代事物,它们在从句中可以作句子的主语也可以作宾语。(1) 关系代词作主语 例句: Did you hear about the earthquake?It happened in San Francisco last week. a. Did you hear about the earthquake that happened in San Francisco last week?b. Did you hear about the earthquake which happened in San Francisco last week? 你听说上星期在旧金山发生的地震了吗? 关系代词that / which引导的定语从句修饰名词earthquake。在从句that / which happened in San Francisco last week 中作句子的主语。“”注意:当关系代词在从句中作主语时不能省略。a. b. 两例句意思一样. Which 要比that正式一些。(2) 关系代词作宾语 例句: The movie wasn’t very good.We saw it last night. a. The movie that we saw last night wasn’t very good. b. The movie which we saw last night wasn’t very good. c. The movie we saw last night wasn’t very good. 我们昨晚看的那部电影不怎么样。关系代词that / which 引导的从句修饰名词The movie。在从句that we saw last night中,that/ which 作动词saw的宾语。关系代词作动词宾语的时候可以省略。 (3) 关系代词作介词宾语在从句中,如果关系代词是作介词的宾语,正式英语中需要前置,即,将介词置于关系代词之前。例句:  He is standing on a chair.     Is it firm enough? a. Is the chair on which he is standing firm enough? 他站的那把椅子结实吗? on which he is standing 是which引导的从句,修饰the chair。Which在从句中作介词on的宾语。在英语口语和非正式的英语中,介词可以放在动词的后面。关系代词可以用which, that, 也可以省略。 b. Is the chair which he is standing on firm enough? c. Is the chair that he is standing on firm enough? d. Is the chair he is standing on firm enough? 在例句b. c. d. ,从句that he is standing on中的介词后置,关系代词作介词on的宾语,可以用that/which, 也可以省略。 (4) 应该使用that的情况有些情况下,that不能与which交换使用。a. 当从句修饰不定代词,如all, everything, something, little, much, none,the only, those 等时,必须用that 来引导从句。在从句中that作动词的直接宾语时,可以省略。 例: Listen, there is something (that) I must tell you. 听着,有些事情我必须告诉你。 b. 如果先行词被上述不定代词所修饰时,引导从句的关系代词也应用that. 例: All the apples (that) we picked were sent to the factory. 所有的我们摘的苹果都送到工厂去了。 c. 如果先行词被形容词最高级或序数词所修饰,从句应用that 引导。 例: This is the best novel (that) I know. 这是我所知道的最好的一部小说。 d. 如果先行词被序数词所修饰,从句应用that 引导。 例: The first English film that interested me was Gone with the Wind. 第一部使我感兴趣的英文电影是“飘”。 3. 表示所有格关系 whose 用来表示所属关系,它的意思相当于:his, her, its, their等等。Whose 可以用来修饰人,也可以修饰物。whose和它所修饰的名词都置于句首。 (1) 修饰人物(1) The man called the police.His wallet was stolen. a. The man whose wallet was stolen called the police.钱包被窃的那个男人给警察打了电话。 Whose引导的从句whose wallet was stolen,修饰the man. Whose 在从句中起定语作用,修饰wallet, 意思是his。(2) 修饰事物 (2) I’m working in the house. Its walls are made of glass. ( The walls of the house are made of glass.) a. I’m working in the house whose walls are made of glass. 我在那座四面墙都是玻璃的房子里工作。 whose walls = the walls of the house whose = of which 4. 修饰表示时间的名词 When 引导的从句往往是用来修饰一个表示时间的名词,如:time, year, month, day, century 等等。When 在从句中起时间状语的作用。 (1)I’ll never forget the day. I met you then (on that day). a. I’ll never forget the day when I met you. b. I’ll never forget the day on which I met you. 我永远也忘不了见到你的那一天。 例句a. 中when引导的从句修饰the day. When在从句中起时间状语的作用,意思是on the day. 因此,when可以用on which替代。 (2)1949 is the year. The new China was founded then (in that year). a. 1949 is the year when the new China was founded. b. 1949 is the year in which the new China was founded. When引导的从句修饰表示时间的名词the year. 1949年是新中国成立的那一年。When在从句中作时间状语,意思是in that year. 在此句中,when 可以用in which 来替换。看例句b. 在句中,which 指代的是the year. (3) 7:50 is the time. My plane arrives then (at that time). a. 7:50 is the time when my plane arrives. b. 7:50 is the time at which my plane arrives. 7:50 是我乘坐的飞机到达的时间。 When引导的从句修饰名词the time, when在从句中作时间状语。意思是at that time.在这句话中, when可以用at which替代。 5. 修饰表示地点的名词 Where引导的从句用来修饰表示地点的名词,例如:city, country, room, house等等。Where 在从句中起地点状语的作用。 (1) The building is very old. He lives there (in that building). a. The building where he lives is very old. b. The building in which he lives is very old. c. The building which he lives in is very old. d. The building that he lives in is very old. e. The building he lives in is very old. 他住的那座楼很旧。 a. Where引导的从句修饰名词building. Where在从句中作地点状语,意思是in that building. b. 介词前置。 c. d. e. 介词在原来的位置上。 如果用where引导从句修饰名词,从句中就不必使用介词。否则就必须 使用介词。 (2)That is the park. We are going to have a picnic there (at that park). a. That is the park where we are going to have a picnic.b. That is the park at which we are going to have a picnic.c. That is the park which we are going to have a picnic at. d. That is the park that we are going to have a picnic at.e. That is the park we are going to have a picnic at. 那就是我们将去吃野餐的公园。(我们将在那个公园吃野餐)。 Where 的意思是at the park, 可以用at which替换。 6. 非限定性从句 限定性定语从句起限制、确定先行词的作用,用来说明先行词的特征与属性。如果省略,就会影响句子的意思。 非限定性定语从句则是起补充信息的作用,如果省略,并不会影响句子的意思。非限定性定语从句与主句用逗号分开。非限定性定语从句常用于书面语。(1) A. My friend who had been driving all day suggested stopping at the next town. 我那位开了一整天车的朋友建议到下一个镇子停下。 这是一句限定性定语从句。这句话的含义是说还有其他不开车的朋友 B. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested stopping at the next town. 彼特开了一整天车,他建议到下一个镇子停下。 这是一句非限定性定语从句的句子,它只起补充信息的作用。如果,将从句who had been driving all day略掉,也不会影响句子的原意。 (2)The books , which you can get at any bookshop, will give you all the information you need. 这些书将为你提供所需要的所有信息,你可以在任何一家书店买到。 (3)Ann, whose children are at school all day, is trying to get a job. 安的孩子们整天都在学校,(所以)她试图找一份工作做。注意: 在非限定性定语从句中,只有wh-的代词可以使用。无论指人或指物都不能使用that。