
1. 请在第一时间恢恢复我们
3. 一些经理靠着一路撒谎才坐上今天的位子。

1. 请在第一时间回复我们

1, 我来说说吧, asap在口语中常用,但仅仅限于很熟的人之间,但通常书面固定礼貌用法是at your earliest convenience.
2 这个简单,没啥说的
3. Some managers lied all the way up to their current positions. 这句话,是否和你们中英字典式翻译感觉不同呢?

1. 请在第一时间回复我们
3. 一些经理靠着一路撒谎才坐上今天的位子。

1. Please reply to us in first time.
2. Would you like to eat in or take away?
3. some of the managers rely on telling lies to be able to hang on their present positions.

似乎又来了一个牛人团的 "好Caxio",真是个自高自大的人物,看你的档案,回答成积只不过平平无奇,被采纳率才47%,那有资格这麼狂莽? 孤芳自赏罢了!
第1个回答  2012-12-02
1.please response to us a.s.a.p
2.do you want to have it here or take-away
3.some managers get up to this position today by bullying around.

第2个回答  2012-12-02
1.Please respond to us the sooner the better.
2. Whould you like to eat here or talke out?
3. Some managers lies all way up to reach their seats today
第3个回答  2012-12-02
1. Please reply at once when you have received the e-mail.
2. Are you eating here or to go?
3. Some managers lie to get to where they are now.

By the way, please do not be too ignorant.
As for 1, at your ealriest conveniece does not mean reply immediately. If the recipent was busy at the time or busy forever, you will get your reply.
As for number 3 of your answer, the phrase "all the way up" shows very inproper English.
第4个回答  2012-12-02
第二个的话 大多数直接问 stay or to go ? 的吧
第5个回答  2012-12-02
1. Re ASAP
2. Sit here or take away?
3. Some managers climb up the social ladder stepping on lies./ Some managers rest on their position backed by lies.