

"Humor" in English can be translated as "humorous." Let's take a closer look at the detailed meanings and usage of "humorous" to enhance our understanding.
1. Pronunciation
The pronunciation of "humorous" is [ˈhjuːmərəs] in British English and [ˈhjuːmərəs] in American English.
2. Definition
As an adjective, "humorous" describes something that is amusing, light-hearted, or capable of provoking laughter.
3. Usage
"Humorous" is typically used to describe the quality of being funny or entertaining in a deliberate manner. It is often employed in various contexts such as literature, theater, and interpersonal communication.
4. Collocations
- Humorous kid: A child with a playful and amusing personality.
- Humorous appeal: Advertising or communication that intentionally uses humor to grab attention.
- Humorous pics: Photos designed to evoke laughter or amusement.
- Humorous ads: Advertisements that incorporate humor to capture the audience's interest.
- Humorous utterance: A witty or amusing statement.
- Humorous Photography: A style of photography that creatively uses humor as a theme.
- Humorous pictures: Illustrations or images meant to entertain through humor.
- Humorous teacher: An educator who incorporates humor into their teaching approach.
5. Differentiation
While "humorous," "amusing," "comical," "funny," and "ridiculous" are all related terms, each has its distinct connotations:
- "Amusing" suggests something that delights and entertains.
- "Funny" is a broader term that can mean anything from light-hearted to absurd.
- "Comical" is often used for situations or expressions that are inherently funny.
- "Humorous" is more specific to intentional humor in a situation or discourse.
- "Ridiculous" can imply something is foolish or absurd, often with a sense of mockery.
6. Example Sentences
- Judging from the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be humorous.
- His kindly, humorous, understanding eye looked with wide tolerance on good and bad alike.
- He gave a humorous account of their trip to Spain.
- He had a wide mouth and humorous grey eyes.
- John Lennon found time to publish two books of his humorous prose.
- Normally he asked questions and had a humorous remark or two.
By mastering the use of "humorous," you'll be able to add a touch of wit and levity to your English expressions.