
In addition to the recent developments that make Linux usable in disk-based embedded systems, some progress has also been made in making it bootable from EPROM. By installing only those components that are necessary for the application, in many cases a diskless system can be put together using Linux. Thus, for example, at least one full system including Linux networking (but without X Windows) has been put together using only 2.7MB of EPROM for Linux. 7 So, practical stand-alone diskless embedded systems can now be developed using Linux. In addition, the ability to boot Linux from a network is well established. Thus, a system that resides on a network can boot the entire system, including X Windows, from a disk somewhere on that network.

The Future
Linux follows the GNU movement, which produces high quality software through the combined efforts of thousands of programmers. GNU, like Linux, was ridiculed early on as the hobby of software anarchists and nerds with too much free time. But by now all the skeptics have to admit that some world-class software has been produced by GNU, notably the gcc and g++ compilers. These are competitive with the finest commercial compilers around, and even high-end RTOS products like VxWorks and LynxOS use them. What happened to RTOS compilers is likely to happen to the OSs themselves. RTOS products based on Linux will begin to appear, with vendors emphasizing their added real-time features, as well as their support. The result will be a bonanza for developers of high-end embedded systems, with even the cheapest RTOS products providing more features than are currently available from the most expensive products.

除使Linux能用在磁盘的嵌入系统的新发展之外,一些进展在使也获得了它可起动由EPROM。 使用Linux,通过安装为应用是必要的仅那些组分,一个diskless系统可以在许多情况下被汇集。 例如,因此至少一个充分的系统包括Linux网络(但是没有X Windows)使用EPROM仅2.7MB Linux的,被汇集。 使用Linux, 7如此,实用独立diskless嵌入系统可能现在被开发。 另外,能力解雇从网络的Linux是源远流长的。 因此,居住网络的系统在那个网络可能解雇整个系统,包括X Windows,从盘某处。

Linux跟随GNU运动,通过数以万计联合的努力导致高质量软件程序员。 GNU,象Linux,在初期嘲笑作为软件无政府主义者和书呆子爱好有许多空闲时间的。 但是所有怀疑者必须现在承认一些国际水平的软件是由GNU,显著地gcc和g++编译器导致了的。 这些是竞争的与最美好的商业编译器,并且象VxWorks和LynxOS的甚而高档的RTOS产品使用他们。 什么发生在RTOS编译器可能发生在OSs。 根据Linux的RTOS产品将开始出现,当供营商强调他们的增加的实时特点,并且他们的支持。 结果比从高价产品将是高档的嵌入系统开发商的一个富矿体,当甚而最便宜的RTOS产品提供更多特点现在可以得到的。
第1个回答  2008-04-16