

1、 字典的注音不是很准确的。注音让你知道这个单词是发这个音的,但不能告诉你怎样发音。要靠自己的发音实践补充这个不足。还有是查什么字典的问题。在此不推荐国内的字典。这没有什么好解释的,学美语的用Webster的字典或Random的吧。
2、 国际音标并不准确。这是真的,对美国英语来说更是如此。比较准确的音标是Webster的,即韦氏音标,或者KK音标,个人而言,我更喜欢韦氏音标,这是能够比较好反映美国人的实际发音的。
3、 初学音标并不需要一定准确无比。记得就是了,你会在以后慢慢把自己的音纠正的,很多人在学音标时就泄气了,那就先放放,学些能让你兴奋的其他东西吧。我在初学日语时,只用一天就不再理会日语的假名发音问题了。虽然日语的发音比英语的简单得多。
4、 个别的东西:
美音hot, pot, mop里面的[o]更像是hard, laugh中的短的[a];
going to会变成gonna;
want to 会变成wanna;
him等等前面的h通常不发音,meet him会读成meedim;
What are you doing?实际可能是Wha tu doing?
Military, secretary, 后面的ary美语音标是marry的[eri];相应的ory经常是读重音的。
美语的half等等中间的音可能都成hat, mat等等中间的音。
5、 用心体会纯正美国人的发音。
第1个回答  推荐于2016-07-06
1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i)
three tree green sheep meet beef see seek
eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please
he she me
piece receive ceiling
2) [ I ]发音字母 i y e ui u a
sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss
myth many twenty happy dictionary
defect decide delicious
3) [ æ ] 发音字母 a
bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man
4) [e] 字母组合 ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay)
head bread pleasure
elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes
many any
5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or
girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird
turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger
learn earn earth heard
term her nerd serve
work worm work world
6) [ε] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e u
teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder
doctor actor mayor author tractor
delicious gracious pleasure
familiar collar dollar
together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite
around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china
men listen
famulus Saturday
7) [a:] 字母组合 ar a
car farm card arm garden
fast class last glass plant aunt calm
8) [ ʌ ] 发音字母 u o ou oo
up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus
come mother dose brother love above
trouble rough flourish
blood flood
9) [ɔ:]字母组合 al or au our ar
small wall talk tall hall ball call walk
short more lord horse for forty sport door floor store
author caught autumn
four mourn court bought
warm quarrel quarter
10) [ ɔ ] ([ɒ])发音字母 o a ou
hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not
want wash watch
11) [u:] 字母组合 oo o u
food moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth
shoe do two
true truth blue full prude
12) [u] 字母组合 oo ou u o
look good foot book wood
should could
put full bull pull push
woman wolf
13) [ei] 发音字母 a ay ea ai ey
name cake late gate plane April
play say may way
great break
rain paint plain
they grey
14) [ai] 发音字母 i y
bike fine find die nine light night high
my try fly eye
15) [au] 字母组合 ou ow
house out flour ground account count sound loud around mouse
flower down now cow how town
16) [εu] 发音字母 o ow oa
home cold go no phone host ghost
know low below grow blow show flow
boat coat goal
17) [ ɔɪ ] 字母组合oy oi
boy toy joy
oil soil voice choice
18) [iε] 字母组合 eer ear
beer deer
ear near
here fierce idea
19) [ ɛə ] ([eə])字母组合ear air ere
pear bear
chair air fair
there where
20) [uε] [auə]字母组合our ower
hour tour
flower shower
第2个回答  2012-12-23
第3个回答  2012-12-23
你可以在寒假重点学习下音标 这对英语发音之类的十分有用 英语学习的基础 过来人的经验
第4个回答  推荐于2017-11-25