大学英语情景口语对话 三人日常对话,多来点,五分钟左右,跪求!!!!!


A:Hi, Bill. How are you?
B: Hi, Chill. I'm fine thank you.And you?
A: I'm fine.Thank you. Where are you going?
B: We're going to cinema. Oh, He's Mike. My schoolmate.
C: Nice to meet you.
A: I'm Chill.Nice to meet you.
B: where are you going to?
A: Will. I have to go to library. I have no time to go to cinema like you. It's a pity.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. But I hope you will have time to see film afer the exem.
C:Oh.It's a pity. But after the exem of enterance of university you will get more time to do what you like.
A: I hope so. Bye.
B:See you, Good luck!
C: Bye .
第1个回答  2012-12-26
第2个回答  2012-12-26