名词解释:Hemingway's iceberg theory帮忙解释一下呀

名词解释:Hemingway's iceberg theory帮忙解释一下呀

Hemingway's iceberg theory:海明威的冰山原则


第1个回答  2013-06-19
The Iceberg Theory (also known as the "theory of omission") is the writing style of American writer Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway began his writing career as a reporter. Journalistic writing, particularly for newspapers, focuses only on events being reported, omitting superfluous and extraneous matter. When he became a writer of short stories, he retained this minimalistic style, focusing on surface elements without explicitly discussing the underlying themes. Hemingway believed the true meaning of a piece of writing should not be evident from the surface story, rather, the crux of the story lies below the surface and should be allowed to shine through. Critics such as Jackson Benson claim that his iceberg theory, also known as the theory of omission, in combination with his distinctive clarity of writing, functioned as a means to distance himself from the characters he created.