

Jerry 最近在Portal上提交出差申请,一直显示:An error occurred submitting this form to the Web server.The form will now be closed.你能帮他解决吗?

Please contact directly with Thomasm, our IT in Hongkong, he will help you on this matter.

Dear Thomas
Can you help Jerry with a problem?

Jerry 最近在Portal上提交出差申请,一直显示:An error occurred submitting this form to the Web server.The form will now be closed.你能帮他解决吗?

Jerry submit an application for business trip on Portal recently, but there is always a sentence shown on the screen: An error occurred submitting this form to the Web server.The form will now be closed. Can you solve this problem for him?
第1个回答  2013-07-25
Please have a direct contact with Tomas, an IT specialist in HongKong, who is belived to be helpful in this regard.
Dear Tomas,
Could you please help Jerry resolve the problem he's faced? As you know, Jerry has submitted an application for business trip on Portal where it says that An error occurred submitting this form to the Web server.The form will now be closed. Can you help with the solutions?

第2个回答  2013-07-25
Please directly contact with Tomas from IT department in Hongkong. He will help you for this issue. - 请直接联系我们香港的IT托马斯,他会在这件事情上帮助你的
Dear Thomas,
Would you please kindly help Jerry to solve the problem as below words? (你能帮Jerry解决下面所描述的情况吗?
Jerry tried to submit 'business travel application' on Portal recently,but it displayed 'An error occurred submitting this form to the Web server.The form will now be closed'. (这里不用再写你能帮他解决吗,因为邮件的第一句话已经说了)
第3个回答  2013-07-25
Please contact directly with our IT specialist in HongKong,Tomas.He will help you with this problem.

Dear Tomas,
Could you help Jerry with the problem he encountered?Jerry has been trying recently to summit his travel requests,but the respond has been always "An error occurred submitting this form to the Web server.The form will now be closed." Could you help him solve this problem?
第4个回答  2013-07-25
Please contact our HK IT Tomas directly.He will help you with this issue.
Dear Tomas,
Can you help Jerry to settle the problem that he met?
Jerry has submitted application form for Business Trips on Portal recently.But it always indicated An error occurred submitting this form to the Web server.The form will now be closed.Can you help him settle this issue?本回答被提问者采纳