
There are many of the American expressions that use part of the body. These include the eyes, ears, nose ,mouth and even the heart. Today, we will tell you some expressions(表示) that use other body parts: the back, shoulders and chest.(胸)
When I am facing a lot of pressure at work my back and neck will start to hurt. Sometimes these tention is the result of too much work. I have too many things to do because my supervisor is on my back all the time. In other words, my employer is always telling me to do things. Sometimes I want my employer to get off my back. I want her to stop criticizing me and making too many demands on my time. I can not say this, however, I would never turn my back on her and refuse to help when there is a need. If I did refuse to help, my supervisor might say bad things about me behind my back. She might criticize me when I am not present. This would surely be a step in the back. It is never kind to unfairly harm or say bad things about other people.
Sometimes when I am very productive in my job, my employer gives me a pat on the back. She praises my work.She might even say "I will scratch your back if you will scratch mine". This means she will do something for me if I do something helpful for her in exchange. Such an offer usually comes straight from the shoulder. My supervisor has a very direct, open and honest way of speaking.
I know that my employer carrys a lot on her shoulders. She is responsible for many things at the office. And because she is so important she sometimes gets to rub shoulders with the top officials. She gets to spend time with some very important people.
I believe the top official values my superior. He never gives her the cold shoulder. He is never unfriendly to her. He always treats her like she is an important part of the orgnization. I also value my supervisor. In fact, I think she is very effected in her job. Of cource, I could yell my opinion at the top of my lungs or as loudly as I possibly could. If I even feel good to get my emotions off my chest. It is always helpful to tell people how you feel, so that your emotions do not trouble you. But it is not neccessary for me to praise my superior. Most of my co-workers feel the exact same way about her. So I think I will just save my breath. I will keep silent because talking or repeating myself will not do any good.

There are many of the American expressions that use part of the body. These include the eyes, ears, nose ,mouth and even the heart. Today, we will tell you some expressions(表示) that use other body parts: the back, shoulders and chest.(胸)
When I am facing a lot of pressure at work my back and neck will start to hurt. Sometimes these tention is the result of too much work. I have too many things to do because my supervisor is on my back all the time. In other words, my employer is always telling me to do things. Sometimes I want my employer to get off my back. I want her to stop criticizing me and making too many demands on my time. I can not say this, however, I would never turn my back on her and refuse to help when there is a need. If I did refuse to help, my supervisor might say bad things about me behind my back. She might criticize me when I am not present. This would surely be a step in the back. It is never kind to unfairly harm or say bad things about other people.
Sometimes when I am very productive in my job, my employer gives me a pat on the back. She praises my work.She might even say "I will scratch your back if you will scratch mine". This means she will do something for me if I do something helpful for her in exchange. Such an offer usually comes straight from the shoulder. My supervisor has a very direct, open and honest way of speaking.
I know that my employer carrys a lot on her shoulders. She is responsible for many things at the office. And because she is so important she sometimes gets to rub shoulders with the top officials. She gets to spend time with some very important people.
I believe the top official values my superior. He never gives her the cold shoulder. He is never unfriendly to her. He always treats her like she is an important part of the orgnization. I also value my supervisor. In fact, I think she is very effected in her job. Of cource, I could yell my opinion at the top of my lungs or as loudly as I possibly could. If I even feel good to get my emotions off my chest. It is always helpful to tell people how you feel, so that your emotions do not trouble you. But it is not neccessary for me to praise my superior. Most of my co-workers feel the exact same way about her. So I think I will just save my breath. I will keep silent because talking or repeating myself will not do any good.

第1个回答  2008-06-17
第2个回答  2008-06-17
在美语的表达中很多时候都用到身体的一部分,包括眼睛、 耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴甚至心。今天,我们将告诉你一些使用身体其他部位——背、肩、和胸的表达。
第3个回答  2008-06-17
有很多的美国人表达使用身体的一部分。这些措施包括眼睛,耳朵,鼻子,嘴,甚至心脏。今天,我们将告诉你一些表达式(表示)表示,使用其他身体部位:背部,肩部和胸部。 (胸)
有时,当我很生产力在我的工作,我的雇主,让我一八在背部。她称赞我work.she甚至可能会说: “我将从零开始你的背部如果您将从零开始地雷” 。这意味着她将做一些对我来说,如果我做一些有用的,她在交流。这种要约通常是直接从肩膀。我的上司有一个非常直接,公开和诚实的方式发言。
我相信高级官员的价值观,我的优势。他从来没有给她的冷落。他是从来不友善的她。他总是像对待她,她是一个重要组成部分,有关的组织。我也值我的上司。其实,我觉得她是很影响她的工作。对cource ,我可以大声喝斥我认为在上方的我的肺,或大声正如我可能。如果我什至感觉非常好,让我的情绪过我的胸部。它始终是有帮助的告诉人们如何你觉得,使你的情绪不麻烦你。但它是没有必要,我要称赞我的优势。我大部分的合作,工人觉得完全相同的方式对她的。因此,我认为我将刚才保存我的呼吸。我会保持沉默,因为交谈或重复自己,将没有任何好处。