

1. Puppy的读音:
- 英 ['pʌpi]
- 美 ['pʌpi]
2. 词汇解释:
- n. 小狗;自负的小伙子
- 例句:The puppy was fawning on its master.(小狗朝着主人摇尾乞怜。)
3. 词汇搭配:
- Puppy strangles:围蛹
- Mud puppy:泥螈
- Puppy love:少男少女短暂的爱慕之情
4. 近义词:
- 1) pup:n. 小狗;小海豹;小伙子
- 例句:All the pups were having a rough-and-tumble in the garden.(所有的幼犬都在花园里嬉戏打闹。)
- 2) purp:n. 狗;小狗
- 例句:A purp was sleeping in the underground aisle.(一只小狗狗正在地铁过道里睡觉。)
- 3) doggy:n. 小犬;小狗(=doggie);adj. 爱狗的;像狗一样的;摆阔的;低级的
- 例句:Your doggy looks quite lovely, doesn't he?(你的小狗狗看起来很可爱,不是吗?)