
1. 谢谢你寄给我们的布块样品,我们已经收到了。
布扣上的布料与XXX的相同,我们已经找到了;其他四块布料已经快递给R 让他们照着样子去寻找了。
2. 附件是R 提供的New wall bay的图纸,供参考;

1.      谢谢你寄给我们的布块样品,我们已经收到了。
布扣上的布料与XXX的相同,我们已经找到了;其他四块布料已经快递给R 让他们照着样子去寻找了。
2.      附件是R 提供的New wall bay的图纸,供参考;


Welcome to Beijing!


Per communication over the phone, L and me will attend the meeting next week, please inform us about the exact time.


I have some information for you as below:


    Thanks for sending us the cloth sample, we have received. The material on cloth button is same as that of XXX, and we've found it; as for the other four, we also have sent to R requesting them to serach the same ones

    The attachment here is the drawing paper for New wall bay provided by R for your reference.


If any, please feel free to contact me.


Thanks in advance!

第1个回答  2013-07-23
Welcome to Beijing!According to the telephone communication, I will together and L will keep the appointment next week, please provide the specific time to us.1. Thank you for send us samples of cloth, we have already received.Buckle cloth fabric same with XXX, we have found;The other four piece of fabric already Courier to R according to look to find them.2. The attachment is the R to provide New wall bay of drawings, for reference only;Any question, please let me know,Thank you very much!