

1.春节,亦称农历新年,标志着一年的开始,承载着深厚的传统意义。"Year Festival" is the traditional term for it, and it is also known colloquially as "spring festival," "new year," "lunar new year," "happy new year," "year celebration," "celebration of the year," and "big year."
2.春节的历史源远流长,起源于上古时期的岁首祭祀活动。It has a long history and originated from ancient rituals to pray for a good year.
3.春节不仅是一个节日,更是一种文化和传统的体现。The festival embodies profound cultural connotations and carries rich historical and cultural heritage.
4.春节期间,各地会举行各种庆祝活动,充满喜庆的气氛。During the Spring Festival, various activities are held across the country to celebrate the new year, filled with joyful atmosphere.
5.这些活动旨在除旧布新、迎接好运、祭拜祖先,并祈求丰收。These activities mainly include getting rid of the old and welcoming the new, welcoming good fortune, worshipping ancestors, and praying for a good harvest.
6.春节活动丰富多彩,具有浓郁的地域特色,凝聚了中华文明的精华。The celebrations are rich and diverse with strong regional characteristics, embodying the essence of Chinese civilization.
7.对于使用英语的人来说,春节祝福可以用 "Happy Spring Festival" 或者 "Happy Lunar New Year" (as many Asians use the lunar calendar).
8.当收到春节祝福时,可以用 "Thank you" 或者 "Thanks" 作为回应。You can respond to a Spring Festival greeting with "Thank you" or "Thanks."
9.另外,你也可以说 "Thanks, the same to you," or "Wish you the same" to convey wishes of happiness to the other person as well.