用wtih the purpose of/for the purpose造句

用wtih the purpose of/for the purpose造句 各造一句..

They came here with the purpose of making trouble.他们到这儿来就是为了找麻烦的。With the purpose of attracting more children. they have made many lively programs.为了吸引更多的孩子,他们制作了很多生动活泼的节目。 In my own training for all students and school management services for the purpose.我本着锻炼自己,为学校管理及全体学生服务的宗旨。In fact, parents of children for the purpose of encouraging children to a better direction.事实上,父母对孩子表扬的目的在于激励孩子向更好的方向发展。
第1个回答  2013-07-30
They came here with the suppose of making trouble.他们到这里来找麻烦。Did you come to London for the surpose of seeing your family or, for business surposes?你到伦敦是为了来看你的家人,还是为了生意上的事?