

present progressive
美 [ˈpreznt prəˈɡresɪv]

The Present Progressive Tense 现在进行时 ; 现在进行时态

Forms of the Present Progressive 现在进行时的形式 ; 如今停止时的方式

Present Progressive Tense 现在进行时 ; 语法
第1个回答  2023-01-11
Present continuous tense
第2个回答  2023-12-12

现在进行时(present continuous tense)精讲


2、现在进行时的构成:主语+am/is/are+ V-ing(动词现在分词形式)


I am watching TV now.我现在正在看电视。

Look!Jackson is playing basketball on the playground.看!杰克逊正在操场上打篮球。

The teachers are reading books in the office at present.现在老师们正在办公室读书。

3、现在进行时的标志词(见到这些词,都要用现在进行时):look 看,listen 听,now 现在,at this moment 此刻,at present 目前,this week 本周,today 今天,these days 这几天。


Listen,the girl is playing the piano.听,那个女孩正在弹钢琴。

She is always sleeping these days,maybe she is ill.她这几天总是睡着,也许她生病了。

The boys are playing ball games this week because they do not have to go to school.男孩们本周一直在打球,因为他们不必上学。



go—going     play—playing       know—knowing


make—making   arrive—arriving    come—coming


run—running stop—stopping   swim—swimming put—putting sit—sitting  begin—beginning

plan—planning cut—cutting get—getting shop—shopping chat—chatting regret—regretting dig—digging 


tie—tying            die—dying               lie—lying



The telephone is ringing. Would you answer it, please? 电话正在响,你能否接一下?

Now watch carefully and see what is happening in the experiment.现在仔细观察,看在实验中发生着什么现象。


George is working on a new book about stories in schools.乔治在写一本关于校园故事的新书。

I am now visiting Guangzhou this week.我本周正在游览广州。


The boy is jumping with great joy at the sight of toys一看到玩具,小男孩高兴得不停地跳。


有些动词,主要是非延续性动词,如arrive, come, go, leave等常用现在进行时表示按计划或打算将要做的事情。

We are leaving for Germany next week.下周我们将出发去德国。

Are you staying in Guangzhou for a week? 你打算在广州待一周吗?


If I am sleeping when he comes, wake me up, please,他来时如果我在睡觉,请叫醒我。

(6)与副词 always、usually、forever等连用,表达说话者的某种感情或对某一心理的描述

She is always thinking of others.她总是为别人着想。(赞扬)

Why are you always coming late for class? 你为什么总是上课迟到?(批评)