


茅盾说:“文学翻译是用另一种语言,把原作的艺术意境传达出来,使读者在读译文的时候能够像读原作时一样得到启发、感动和美的感受。”电影作为一种艺术表现形式,其翻译过程也是高度的艺术再现过程,因此,电影名翻译要再现原名的艺术美。如,Gone with the Wind——乱世佳人,Top Gun——壮志凌云,Ghost——人鬼情未了,Good Will Hunting——心灵捕手,You've Got Mail——网络奇缘,A Walk in the Clouds——云中漫步,The Bridges of Madison County——廊桥遗梦。

II. 从商业角度出发

高商业利润是电影这种艺术表现形式所追求的目标之一。作为电影片名的译制也必然受到商业利益的驱使。而好的电影译名不仅能做到准确性与艺术性相融合,还能够起到影片宣传的作用,提高影片的票房。 一个好听好记的名字不仅能够第一时间抓住人们的心,而且还有可能使电影名称广为流传,例如玩具总动员(toys). 如,Sister Act——修女也疯狂,The Rock——勇闯夺命岛,The English Patient——英伦情人,Piano ———钢琴别恋等,通过醒目的译名渲染气氛,制造悬念,达到了影片商业宣传的目的。能够译出能让人一下就记住的名字并非易事,往往译者只注意到名字听上去响亮而忽视了电影本身,从而造成名字和内容严重不相符。这种现象的频频出现致使人们对电影的热情锐减:试想一下,你通过电影名选择了一部你感兴趣的电影,但看了之后才发现完全不是那么回事,你还会有热情再去选择另外一部名字吸引人的电影吗? 所以译者要在商业性翻译时不要忘却翻译真实性的原则,一定要从电影内容的角度出发,适度的进行抽象和夸张,结合本土文化这样才能够真正的译出好的名字。

III. 从文化角度出发


I.From the Artistic Perspective
Mao Dun said that “literary translation is to express the artistic connotations of the original work so that the readers will be inspired, moved and instilled with feelings of beauty while reading the translated work just like they will be while reading the original one.” The translation of the movie, which is a form of artistic expression, is a process of intensified artistic representation, therefore the translation of movie titles should represent the artistic beauty of the original titles. Here are some examples:
Gone with the Wind——乱世佳人
Top Gun——壮志凌云
Good Will Hunting——心灵捕手
You've Got Mail——网络奇缘
A Walk in the Clouds——云中漫步
The Bridges of Madison County——廊桥遗梦

II. From the Commercial Perspective
High commercial profits are one of the pursuits of movies, so the translation of movie titles will unarguably be drived by profits. A good translation will not only combine accuracy and artisticity, but it can also assist the publicity of the movie so as to attract more viewers. A name which is easy both for the ears and the memory can catch people’s interest quickly as well as increase the popularity of the title. Here are some examples:
Sister Act——修女也疯狂
The Rock——勇闯夺命岛
The English Patient——英伦情人
Piano ———钢琴别恋
Those eye-catching titles creates an atmosphere of the movie and a suspense among the audience, thus to promote its commercial publicity. It’s not an easy job to do a highly memorable translation, while it’s often the case that the translator sets his attention on the name only but neglects the movie and as a result, the name and the content of the movie turn out to be highly impatible. The reoccurrence of the problem diminishes people’s enthusiam in movies. Just imagine that you choose a movie that you find yourself interested in through its title, but after watching it, you find it’s simply not the case, will you still have the passion to choose another movie with an eye-catching title? In sum, while translating a movie title following the commercial rules, the translator should not leave behind the principle of faithfulness in translation and should keep in mind that a good translation only comes when he takes into consideration the content of the movie with appropriate abstraction and exaggeration combining local culture.

III. From Cultural Perspective
As a movie comes from life and embodies the culture of a nation, the translation of a movie title becomes a process of language conversion as well as a social phenomenon of the communication between two different cultures where representing culture values and promoting cultural communication and understanding becomes an important task for a movie title translator. There are some such examples in previous movie title translation where jokes are easily made. Admittedly there are great differences between Chinese and western culture, but similarities can nevertheless be discovered. If the translator takes into consideration the characteristics of the movie title itself and its cultural background and represent it will the equivalent cultural depth, he will see some unexpected results.

第1个回答  2008-04-27
I. From the perspective of art

Mao Dun said: "Literature in Translation is a different language to convey the original conception of art out so that readers can read the time as I read the original at the same inspiration, the feelings of moving the U.S.." Film as an art form, Its translation process is also high artistic reproduction process, therefore, the film translators to reproduce the name of artistic beauty. If, Gone with the Wind - Gone with the Wind, Top Gun - not showy enough, Ghost - were outstanding ghost situation, Good Will Hunting - the soul catcher, You've Got Mail - Network Qiyuan, A Walk in the Clouds - walk through the clouds, The Bridges of Madison County - Langqiaoyimeng.

II. From a business point of view

Business profits are high art forms such films as one of the objectives pursued. Dubbed as the film titles are certainly driven by commercial interests. The translation is not only a good film can do with the accuracy of the arts Phase integration, but also can play the role of propaganda films, videos increase the box office. A good name not only easy to remember the first time to seize people's hearts, but also likely to name the film widely circulated, such as Toy Story (toys). Example, Sister Act -修女也疯狂, The Rock - Yong Chuang and kills people Island, The English Patient - England Valentine, Piano --- Do not love the piano, and so on, through the eye-catching rendering have been translated into the atmosphere and create suspense, the film achieved the purpose of commercial advertising. Can be translated to the people on the name will not be easy to remember, often only noted that the translator name sounds loud and ignore the film itself, thus causing serious name and content does not match. This phenomenon appeared frequently a result of people's enthusiasm for the film a sharp drop: Just imagine, you were chosen through a film you are interested in movies, but saw only after then that is not the case, you will have more enthusiasm In addition to choose an attractive name of the film? » So the translator to translate in the business of translation, do not forget the principles of authenticity, must proceed from the perspective of the film content, appropriate to the abstract and exaggeration in light of local culture so as to the real good name translated.

III. From the cultural point of view

The film comes from life, embodies the nation's culture, the films were not simply a translation of the language conversion process, but also cultural exchanges between the two kinds of social phenomena, reflects the cultural values, promote cultural exchange and understanding, is the translation of film titles Important task. Among the films over the years this is also the example of the attention will be slightly Naochu not a joke. Although Chinese and Western cultures very different, but we can still be found between the two, there are many similarities. If the name of the film in Translation concerned that the name of the film itself and the characteristics of the culture of accumulation carrying it, reflects the same cultural background, it will receive unexpected results.
第2个回答  2008-05-02
I. From the perspective of art

Mao Dun said: "Literature in Translation is a different language to convey the original conception of art out so that readers can read the time as I read the original at the same inspiration, the feelings of moving the U.S.." Film as an art form, Its translation process is also high artistic reproduction process, therefore, the film translators to reproduce the name of artistic beauty. If, Gone with the Wind - Gone with the Wind, Top Gun - not showy enough, Ghost - were outstanding ghost situation, Good Will Hunting - the soul catcher, You've Got Mail - Network Qiyuan, A Walk in the Clouds - walk through the clouds, The Bridges of Madison County - Langqiaoyimeng.

II. From a business point of view

Business profits are high art forms such films as one of the objectives pursued. Dubbed as the film titles are certainly driven by commercial interests. The translation is not only a good film can do with the accuracy of the arts Phase integration, but also can play the role of propaganda films, videos increase the box office. A good name not only easy to remember the first time to seize people's hearts, but also likely to name the film widely circulated, such as Toy Story (toys). Example, Sister Act -修女也疯狂, The Rock - Yong Chuang and kills people Island, The English Patient - England Valentine, Piano --- Do not love the piano, and so on, through the eye-catching rendering have been translated into the atmosphere and create suspense, the film achieved the purpose of commercial advertising. Can be translated to the people on the name will not be easy to remember, often only noted that the translator name sounds loud and ignore the film itself, thus causing serious name and content does not match. This phenomenon appeared frequently a result of people's enthusiasm for the film a sharp drop: Just imagine, you were chosen through a film you are interested in movies, but saw only after then that is not the case, you will have more enthusiasm In addition to choose an attractive name of the film? » So the translator to translate in the business of translation, do not forget the principles of authenticity, must proceed from the perspective of the film content, appropriate to the abstract and exaggeration in light of local culture so as to the real good name translated.

III. From the cultural point of view

The film comes from life, embodies the nation's culture, the films were not simply a translation of the language conversion process, but also cultural exchanges between the two kinds of social phenomena, reflects the cultural values, promote cultural exchange and understanding, is the translation of film titles Important task. Among the films over the years this is also the example of the attention will be slightly Naochu not a joke. Although Chinese and Western cultures very different, but we can still be found between the two, there are many similarities. If the name of the film in Translation concerned that the name of the film itself and the characteristics of the culture of accumulation carrying it, reflects the same cultural background, it will receive unexpected results.
第3个回答  2008-04-27
Blindly applied commercial language symbols, from the video content Tianmahangkong
At present the film industry as a translation seems to be "tolerant": film titles is different from the general translation of the title, it is a result of the actual needs of the market and a sense of the rewrite, thus not strictly in accordance with the original film purporting to be translated; film Translators is to to meet the contemporary audience's mind as a benchmark Tanqi and perseverance to follow commercial rules, and ultimately achieving high box-office purposes. Toy Story exhibition in Hong Kong when he was translated as "Toy Story" All of a sudden, the three places on the land and have added a "monster Story" (Monster), "Superman Story" (The Incredible) "Finding Nemo" (FindingNemo). If these titles only non-text circulated to the civil played the effect of advertising is understandable, but once the formal text to show the movie would be misleading to the public all kinds: Translation is applied vocabulary; translation is rewritten. This will not only distort the content, but also easy to feel the audience size-fits-all, the audience is not responsible for the act.

Film translation and other literary works translated commonality, that is, use of figurative language, writing to express the image of the superb art of thinking mood. But also distinguishes it from other film translation of the special nature of translation, that is, asked to be visible in the text, in the shape of sound to the audience on. For videos of the translation as well. As source language of the target language and cultural differences, the translation of films will not be easy, but can be said to be a re-creation process. In short, good films have been translated into the film not only to give the audience a preliminary understanding of a keen interest in further, and can bring their art to enjoy good.