请帮我把以下内容翻译成英语,先在这儿说谢谢拉!:今年的春节我过的很愉快。 春节前,我们全家人一...

请帮我把以下内容翻译成英语,先在这儿说谢谢拉!:今年的春节我过的很愉快。 春节前,我们全家人一起到雅安碧峰峡游玩。我看到了可爱的大熊猫、凶猛的老虎等等。除夕夜,我们全家人一起吃年夜饭,玩一些游戏、讲笑话。晚饭后,我们一起放烟花…


Spring Festival this year I have been very happy.
Before the Spring Festival, we have the whole family together to the Ya'an Bifengxia play. I saw a cute pandas, ferocious tiger.
New Year's Eve, our whole family together to eat dinner, play some games and tell jokes. After dinner, we put together the fireworks ...
第1个回答  2013-02-17
This year's Spring Festival I am very happy. Before the Spring Festival, our whole family went to the Ya'an Bi fengxia. I saw a lovely panda, tiger and so on. New year's Eve, 抱歉,余下自己翻译
第2个回答  2013-02-17
This year's Spring Festival I had a lot of fun. Before the Spring Festival, the whole family together to visit him bifengxia. I saw a lovely giant pandas, 抱歉写不下了,诚建议到有道翻译,自己翻译。
第3个回答  2013-02-17
This year's Spring Festival I had a lot of fun. Before the Spring Festival, the whole family together to visit him bifengxia. I saw a lovely giant pandas, fierce tiger, etc. New Year's eve,空不够了
第4个回答  2013-02-17
I had a good time during the Spring Festival this year.Before the festival ,my whole family visit
BiFengXia in Ya 'an .I saw some lovely pandas,fierce tigers and so on .写不下了。