


1、Dear teacher ,thank you for working so hard.

2、Dear Teacher, thank you for all your hard work.

3、Dear teacher, thank you for your hard-working ,we're all preciate of you.

4、Thanks for working so hard, my dear teacher.


1、You're a one-of-a-Kind teacher. 

2、You make a difference in the lives you touch. 

3、Thanks for being such a wonderful teacher. 

汉语中的“辛苦了”是一句很热情的话,表示对别人的关心。有时用“辛苦了”来肯定别人付出辛勤的劳动和所做出的成绩,并表示慰问。用英语表示这种意思时要十分注意。“辛苦了”这句话适用范围很广,而英语却没有完全对应的说法,把它直译成You’ve had a hard time或You’ve gone through a lot of hardships都是不贴切的,有时还会引起误解。

对一个经过长途旅行后刚刚到达中国的外国人,可以说 You must have had a tiring journey或 You must be tired from such a long trip或Did you have a good trip?表示“路上辛苦了”、“一路好吗”之类的客套话。对正在进行或刚刚完成一项艰难任务的人,可以说:Well done. That was(You’ve got)a hard job.(干得不错,你辛苦了。)不过这几种英语说法都表达不出汉语中“辛苦了”的意味和感情。

第1个回答  2019-09-09
jgmwgmw gmgwgmgmwgtgtpmpt x(mjmgmgwmm'm'mjtjwgwj