
time is tricky .it is difficult to control and easy to waste .when you look ahead,you think you have more time than you need .for example,at the beginning of a semester,you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands.but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out .you dont have enough time to cover all you duties ,so you get worried .what is the answer?control! time is dangerous.if you dont control it ,it will control you.if you dont make it work for you,it will work against you .so you must become the master of time,not its servant.as a first year college student,time management wll be your mumber one problem.time is valuble wasting time is a bad habit.it is like a drug the more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time.if you seriously wish to get the most out of college,you must put the time message into practice.

time is tricky .时间很狡猾。it is difficult to control and easy to waste .时间很难控制却很容易被浪费掉。when you look ahead,you think you have more time than you need .当你向前看,你会觉得时间多于你所需要的量。for example,at the beginning of a semester,you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands.譬如在学期开始,你会觉得手上有大把的时间。but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out .但将至期末时,你会猛然发现时间都流失了。you dont have enough time to cover all you duties ,so you get worried .你没有时间去完成你所有的义务,所以你很着急。what is the answer?control!解决这个问题的答案是?控制时间!time is dangerous.时间是危险的。if you dont control it ,it will control you.如果你不控制它,它就会控制你。if you dont make it work for you,it will work against you .如果你不让它为你服务,它就会反抗你。so you must become the master of time,not its servant.所以你要做时间的主人,而不是它的仆人。as a first year college student,time management wll be your mumber one problem.作为一个大一学生,管理时间将是你的一个问题。time is valuble wasting time is a bad habit.时间宝贵,浪费时间是个坏习惯。it is like a drug the more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time.就像吸毒,你浪费越多时间,时间就越容易继续被你浪费下去。if you seriously wish to get the most out of college,you must put the time message into practice.如果你确实想在大学里学到许多,你必须将时间管理付诸实践。
第1个回答  2013-05-26
第2个回答  2017-09-09
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