
(1)自我介绍姓名(Jason),年龄(我14),学校(我在重庆一中),年级(初二19班),兴趣(音乐、美术),为什么要去美国(好奇、增长见识)。(2)感谢美国接待家庭能接受成为他们中的一员。(3)介绍家庭成员(父母,很慈祥,很风趣),经常开展什么活动(旅游、户外运动、组乐队表演)尽快!急! 要英文的!

1.My name is Jason, I am 14,my school is 重庆一中(我不知道你们学校有没有英文名).I like music and art. I want to go to America because I am very interested in it and I want to know more about America.
2. Thanks for the family who wants me to be one of them.
3. My parents are very kind and funny. I usually take vacations, work out and play instrument in a band.