
Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内添入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。) When Greg Oden was a child,his dream was quite d__1_ from what he is doing now."l want to be a d__2__ when l was young," Greg says."But later l started to grow big.l realized that my hands were so big that l would scare the little kids away!"His words s__3__ funny because the big boy doesn't protect his teeth well.Not long ago,a dentist filled his eleven cavities because Greg has a sweet t__4___ .lt will be the first year for Greg to play in the NBA,but he has a big d__5__--------11rings. 1.d_____ 2.d_____ 3.s_____ 4.t______ 5.d_______

其实网上早已有这篇文章的原版和mp3啦!你这篇完形阅读题是根据原版挖空而已。答案是:1. different 2. dentist 3. sound 4. tooth 5. dream请你上以下这个网站看看吧:http://www.sspost.com.cn/gb/xww/ssp/node5/node7/userobject1ai628.html 今年的NBA选秀状元格雷格·奥登被专业人士认为是“十年一遇”的篮球奇才。他究竟会是下个奥尼尔还是贾巴尔二世?这个很难说。虽然因为伤病而无法在新赛季马上为开拓者队效力,但可以肯定,在未来的NBA赛场,他绝对是个“大人物”。
  NBA needs this big man!
  When Greg Oden was a child, his dream was quite different from what he is doing now.
  “I wanted to be a dentist when I was young,”Greg says.“But later I started to grow big. I realized that my hands were so big that I would scare the little kids away!”His words sound funny because the big boy doesn’t protect his teeth well. Not long ago, a dentist filled his eleven cavities because Greg has a sweet tooth.
  It will be the first year for Greg to play in the NBA, but he has a big dream—11 rings.“Nobody has got more than 11 championship rings. When you start to have toe rings, it’s so cool!”Greg laughed.下载地址: http://bbs.sspost.com.cn/ssp_upload/1574b-1.mp3 
第1个回答  2013-06-18
1. different2. dentist3. sound4. taste5. dream
第2个回答  2013-06-18