

Architectural Studies 6004 Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies BA(AS)
Arts 6054 Bachelor of Arts BA
Arts and Education (English Language) 6066 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English (4 years) BA&BED(LangEd-Eng)
Bioinformatics 6470 Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics BSC(BioInf)
Business Administration/Business Administration in Accounting and Finance 6781 Bachelor of Business Administration/Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance BBA/BBA(Acc&Fin)
Business Administration (Information Systems) 6793 Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems) BBA(IS)
Business Administration (International Business and Global Management) 6896 Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management) BBA(IBGM)
Business Administration (Law) 6808 Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) BBA(Law)
Chinese Medicine 6482 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine (5 years) BChinMed
Civil Engineering 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering BENG
Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) BENG
Civil Engineering (Law) 6341 Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering (Law) BENG(CivE-Law)
Cognitive Science 6779 Bachelor of Cognitive Science BCOGSC
Computer Engineering 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering BENG
Computer Science 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science BENG
Dental Surgery 6107 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (5 years) BDS
Economics/Finance/Economics and Finance 6767 Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Finance/Bachelor of Economics and Finance BECON/BFIN/BECON&FIN
Education - Chinese Language and Literature 6169 Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese Language and Literature (4 years) BED(CHIN)
Electrical Engineering 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering BENG
Electronic and Communications Engineering 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Communications Engineering BENG
Exercise and Health 6183
Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health BSC(Exercise&Health)
Government and Laws 6810 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) BSS(GL)
Industrial Engineering and Technology Management 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Technology Management BENG
Information Engineering 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Information Engineering BENG
Journalism 6822 Bachelor of Journalism BJ
Law 6406 Bachelor of Laws (4 years) LLB
Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain Management 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Logistics Engineering and Supply Chain Management BENG
Mechanical Engineering 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering BENG
Mechanical Engineering (Building Services Engineering) 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (Building Services Engineering) BENG
Medical Engineering 6963 Bachelor of Engineering in Medical Engineering BENG
Medicine and Surgery 6456 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (5 years) MBBS
Nursing 6468 Bachelor of Nursing (4 years) BNURS
Science 6901 Bachelor of Science BSC
Social Sciences 6717 Bachelor of Social Sciences BSS
Social Work 6731 Bachelor of Social Work BSW
Speech and Hearing Sciences 6157 Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences (4 years) BSC(SPEECH)
Surveying 6016 Bachelor of Science in Surveying BSC(SURV)
第1个回答  2013-06-13




理大设计学院院长兼讲座教授Lorraine Justice教授论及该排名成绩时称∶「学院上下得悉这个消息后感到十分鼓舞,让我们确信设计学院正朝著正确的方向发展。香港在中国和亚洲的位置独特,我们深信藉著这个优势,香港的优质设计教研有助中国经济发展。事实上,亚洲的设计有本身的力量、智慧、实用性和美感,我认为理大设计学院正好透过亚洲的设计特质来优化人类的生活。」




设计学院现由Lorraine Justice教授领航,她曾在美国教授设计二十年,《商业周刊》指,以她为先锋的设计研究,「强调跨学科合作,得到跨国公司赞助,并以文化研究为焦点,就像美国的研究一样,新颖又活泼。」较早前,她获纽约ID杂
第2个回答  2013-06-12