let out后面可以加什么(常用词组)



    let out a gasp of delight高兴地喘了一口气

    let out a scream of terror发出恐怖的尖叫

此外还有一些let sth out词组,具体如下:

    let heat out散热

    let this dress out把这条裙子加宽

第1个回答  2013-06-09
let (someone or an animal) (get) out (of something)
1. to permit someone or an animal to exit or escape from something or some place. Please let the president get out of the car. Don't let the snake get out!
2. to permit someone or an animal to evade something. I will not let you get out of your responsibilities. They wouldn't let me out of the contract.
See also: let, out
let something out
1. Fig. to reveal something; to tell about a secret or a plan. (See also leak something out.) It was supposed to be a secret. Who let it out? Who let out the secret?
2. Fig. to enlarge an article of clothing. She had to let her overcoat out because she had gained some weight. I see you have had to let out your trousers.
let something out (to someone)
to rent something to someone. I let the back room out to a college boy. I let out the back room to someone.
let out (with) something
1. to state or utter something loudly. The man let out with a screaming accusation about the person whom he thought had wounded him. She let out a torrent of curses.
2. to give forth a scream or yell. She let out with a bloodcurdling scream when she saw the snake in her chair. They let out with shouts of delight when they saw the cake.
第2个回答  2013-06-09
let out
3.泄漏(机密); 发出(喊叫)
举个例子:My red face let me out
只有let sb/sth out