a memorable day(一个值得纪念的一天) 求以这为题 写一篇不少于80字的英语作文 谢谢!

不要词太多 差不多80词就行了别复制那些作文网上的 太多人抄了 还长篇大论的 谢谢了

a memorable day (at 7 o'clock ,our beautiful sun rise from east ,the ground looks so silent.a boy classmates go to the street to clean it as volunteers it is a good and meaningful thing .first of all , they work about 3 hours even though it is hot outside all of them looks exhausted they did complain .on the contracy ,they explain how important it is to love our earth to people .second,it not only can make our students love the environment we live but also can cultivate the strong responsibility to protect the nature . now it is aboout 5 o'clock the sun is fansticed too our student and the boy learn a lot from it)
第1个回答  2013-06-08
第2个回答  2013-06-08
wedding dress or birthday