英语翻译 快

A Gift from GrandpaOne day,myfather said to me,"Your grandpa is coming tomorrow by plane to see us.Will youplease get to the airport at nine thirty in the morning to meet your grandpa on time?"I was very glad to hear this because I was looking forward to seeing my grandpa."OK.Noproblem."I answered,"I will get to the airport before 9:30.Don't worry. The next morning,I got up very early.I had enough time to do something before leaving for the airport.SO I planed a computer game online with my e-pal.When we were paying in great joy,I suddenly remembered my grandpa.My god!It was already 10 o'clock.How terribleit was!I hurried to the airport,but I was two hours late.Where to find my grandpa?

第1个回答  2014-03-24
由於=due to, because of,意思更像是原因。
on the ground that/ in condition that 是指条件,比如说:In condition that you do not have ample time 就是「基於你没有充足的时间」。



个人而言,我会翻译成 This is due to the excessive minor information that our brains are flooded with.
第2个回答  2014-05-28
Nanchang subway real estate Co., LTD
或Nanchang subway properties Limited


信和置业有限公司(Sino Land Co.)
青岛佳豪置业有限公司The Qingdao good bold property Limited company
北京首都机场置业有限公司。Beijing Capital Airport Tourism Company Ltd.
广州市鸿盛置业有限公司Guangzhou Hongsheng Properties Limited
陕西旭邦置业有限公司 Shanxi Xubang Real Estate Company.
新疆中盈置业有限公司 Xinjiang surplus Ltd..
湖南XHL置业有限公司Hunan XHL Installing Company Limited
沈阳百益龙置业有限公司 Shenyang Lung Properties Limited benefits.
百益龙置业有限公司 Suzhou Yi Lung Properties Limited
上海海联置业有限公司 Shanghai Hailian Real Estate Co.
山东久久发置业有限公司Shandong long hair Properties Limited
上海恒石文道置业有限公司Shanghai Heng Shiwen Road Properties Limited

第3个回答  2014-03-24
"on the ground that"和"in condition that"皆不适合用于此. 因为这两要前因后果一起在同一句出现.

例: We oppose to him being the leader, on the ground that he always plays favourites.
"on the ground that"是给予理由和原因, 但这比较少用于科学用句.
例: She accepted the position on condition that there would be opportunity for advancement.

"in condition that"其实应该是"on condition that".

"excessive"可用. "excessive"已有过多和多余的意思, 所以也表明那些信息并不重要.
次要并不等同"inferior" (低等, 乃贬义词), 所以不能用它.

This is due to the occupation of excessive information in the brain.

"occupation"除指职业以外, 也有占据的意思.
第4个回答  2011-04-06
最后一句话,eats shoots and leaves
但是你把这三个词分开理解就是, eats 吃 shoot 开枪的意思 leave 就是离开 意思熊猫就是应该吃,然后开枪,然后离开