

i thought, i decided, fear, im afraid, confused,

忐忑不安 in fear and trembling

feel too ashamed to show one's faceThe very thoughtof it burned him like the fire.
He felt sad and lost all hope again.She always thinks that she is beautiful in everyone's eyes.
He wonder why she has gave up the decison.
She feel very sorrow as her husband has scolded her1.我感觉心里好不安(I feel an in the mind like uneasy)

2.我的心七上八下的(My heart seven ascend eight times of)

3.考试成绩出来了 我没考好 心里好难过(Examining the result's coming out me didn't test a good in the mind very sad)

4.我几乎傻了 不知道怎么去面对现实(My aming almost silly doesn't know how to go to face reality)

5.妈妈又哭了 肯定是爸爸欺负她了 我的心里好难受 好想安慰妈妈(Mother's crying an affirmation again is the in the mind that father humiliated her me is very suffered to really want to comfort a mother)She feel very sorrow as her husband has scolded herWorry! Be worried!! Rather be worried!!!
Anxious! Be anxious!! Quite be anxious!!!