
Abstract:At present our country scholars study of financial conflict is aimed at independent single enterprise, as a single enterprise as the research object, and study its internal financial conflicts between stakeholders and the external financial conflicts between stakeholders. And to group companies as the research object, studies its internal financial conflict between mother and child company literature is less. Sinotrans changhang in China based on group co., LTD as an example, through the analysis of the status quo of its parent subsidiary financial relations, pointed out the group in the enterprise management of conflicts of interest between parent-subsidiary performance and the resulting negative effects, parsing out the causes of financial conflicts, and coordination of financial relationship some opinions are put forward.

Abstract: at present our country scholars study on financial conflicts mainly aims at the single enterprise independent, a single enterprise as the research object, the financial conflicts between financial conflict between related study its internal stakeholders and with external stakeholders. The group company as the research object, research on financial conflicts between its internal subsidiary less documents. This paper takes China Sinotrans CSC Group Co. Ltd as an example, through the analysis of the financial relationship between the parent and subsidiary company present situation, pointed out that the conflict of interest of parent-subsidiary corporation group in the management of enterprise's performance and the resulting adverse impact, parse out the reason of financial conflicts, and puts forward some suggestions to coordinate financial relationship.
第1个回答  2013-05-22