

地震的悲痛还没有无安全褪去,人们就闲着扯出另一个话题,制造了又一个新闻。那个范美忠在地震发生那一刻,弃学生于不顾第一个跑出教室,所幸学生安然无事。之后,他“洋洋自得”地在天涯论坛上发表了一篇《那一刻地动山摇》的帖子,而且在文章最后表白:“在这种生死抉择的瞬间,只有为了我的女儿我才可能考虑牺牲自我,其他的人,哪怕是我的母亲,在这种情况下我也不会管的。” 这一言引起很多人的争议。其实,这件事并没有完全的对错之分,每个人的观念都不同,价值观嘢不同,有很多事都吧可能达成一致,因为这世界上是没有完全一样的人。我们并没有标准的答案去判断,他是对是错。从两方面来解释,他都是合情合理的。




In the shock of shaking, people lose their families, schools, homes, they also covered the surface, that time of fear, screams are still hovering ears, face the reality of suffering, they do not have to give up the slightest hope of life, Those who struggle in the ruins of the people, they think of the heart, there is only one thought: I must live, I depends on the daily sunrise, the light, give people hope, I have to leave this darkness . Although this opportunity is very slim.

The grief of earthquake safety Tuiqu not there, people idle Chechu another topic, has created another news. Fan loyalty in the United States that the earthquake that moment, ignore the first disposable students outside the classroom, students Fortunately safely without incident. After that, he "Yangyangzide" in the Tianya forum issued a "moment the mountains shake the earth will quake," the message, and in conclusion, the article declared: "In this film the moment, only for my daughter, I might Consider self-sacrifice, other people, even my mother, in which case I would not have control. "This statement caused many controversies. In fact, this matter is not entirely the distinction between right and wrong, everyone's ideas are different, different values Ye, there are many things it could reach an agreement, because this world is not exactly the same people. We do not have standard answers to judgement, he is right is wrong. Two ways to explain that he is fair and reasonable.

On the one hand, the most important thing is to life, although it is a teacher, has the responsibility to protect students, but it does not mean he has to suicide people and sacrificed their lives Qujiu children, he did not have this responsibility. Moreover, each person's life are equal, the children's lives important, is on his啦It does not matter if you » This also seems to be justified. In this moment the earthquake, the teacher is also a weak. By that time he may have kept啦, simply do not know该如何做, subconsciously know that the only run. This is also only natural people! !

On the other hand, by the Chinese 5,000 years of moral and cultural influence, many people think that he would be too selfish啦, a Tanshengpasi people, the teacher is Weirenshibiao, although in the face of disaster, the students are weak, they should be protected teacher, Rather than selfish ran. His character, not suitable for the teachers, it will affect students, so request, the school "sacked"

In fact, why should people hard to chase the matter of right or wrong? » On how wrong and how, since all this has passed. Moreover, he usually worked hard and set an example, is only thinking of it unique. Let it past the past, we should do should be the wave of the future, and meet the Olympic Games. We may wish to invest in real energy, so why End of an experience of life and death of people Jinjinjijiao, which has no significance.
第1个回答  2008-06-01
第2个回答  2008-06-01
才5分... 建议楼主问老师吧
第3个回答  2008-06-08
In the wave that is shaken, the people lose family, the school, the home, have been also covered with their surface, the fear at that time, shriek still wandered up and down in one's ear, in the face of the realistic agony, they have not given up the hope of a silk life, those persons struggling in the ruins, what they thought in the heart is only a thought: I must live on, I it depends on every day's sunrise even, that brilliant rays, bring the person's hope, I must leave this darkly. Though this chance is very remote.

There is no security to take off yet in the grief of the earthquake, people are unoccupied to tear out another topic, have made another news. The Fan take place that time in earthquake while being loyal while being American, abandon students regardless of running out of the classroom first, students meet no danger fortunately. Later, the intersection of he and " complacent " deliver one model that was " earthshaking at that time " at the forum of the ends of the earth, and explain in the article finally: "In this twinkling of an eye in choice such as life and death, I might consider, die for daughter of me only
第4个回答  2008-06-13