

第1个回答  2015-03-23
Lesson representative is a desirable position, of course, I also eager to when the real lesson representative. In lesson representative position in front, I self-confidence, I do, I have responsibility.
I dare not say me is the most appropriate, but I dare say I will be the most hard!
If I became a lesson representative, strict demands on themselves, and I will set an example for students, to believe in our joint efforts, full of wisdom, everyone makes our the whole class to form a positive collective,
English and math are my strengths, if I when the lesson representative, I would help those poor students of English and math, they improve.
I know my writing is bad, but I'll try and believe me!
Dale Carnegie said, "don't be afraid to sell yourself, if you think you have the talent, you should think they are qualified to lift this or that job". If I succeed, I will race earnestly lesson representative, please believe me teach本回答被网友采纳