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她小时候做过模特,读完international business,现在学习fashion 因为这是他的爱好,

小时候喜欢用面料做手工,当她高中的时候决定要当Fashion Designer,但从没学习过画画,爸爸和妈妈都是商人,希望也能成为商人,因为她的爱好还还是坚持要学习Fashion,毕业后,他想先去有名的公司设计,然后自己开个公司

原来是数学专业,祖母是家里唯一画画的人,是brush Patten,爸爸不希望她学习设计,所以到现在也不知道。为了追寻自己喜欢的和梦想,瞒着爸爸,好像现在年轻人都会有这样的体会。

she give up learning ballet for her legs get injuried.
2. mom will hang the painting on the wall at home.
3,she had been a model when young, but now she is learning fashion which is her favorite after she finished learning international business.
4. she loved designing things with cloth as a chil, and she decided to be a fashion designer when she was in senior high school. however, she had never learned drawing. Her parents wish her to be a businessman as they do in future. She still love fashion and after graduation she wants to work in a famouse design company. At the end, she will run a design company on her own.
5. she was majored in math. Her grandma was the only one who draws and love brunsh pattern in family. Her father doesn't want her to learn designing, and untill now, he doesn't know the truth.
In fact, like other young people,for pursuing her dream, she doesn't tell her father that she is learning designing.
第1个回答  2013-05-29
1.She gave up the ballet because of her broken leg
2.Mum will hang the pictures on family's wall
3.She was a model when she was young,but now she is so interested in fashion that she begins to study fashion after having finished international business.
第2个回答  2013-05-29
1、Because of the injured leg, given up ballet。
2、Mother will hang the picture on the wall of the at home。
3、She read model in childhood, international business, are now learning fashion because it is his hobby。
4、She read model in childhood, international business, are now learning fashion because it was his hobby when I was a child like to use the fabric to do manually, when she was high school decided to be a fashion Designer, but never learn to paint, my father and mother are businessmen, hope can become a businessman, because her hobby is still insisted on learning fashion, after graduation, he wants to go to the famous design company, and then open a his own company。
5、Turned out to be a math major, my grandmother was the only person at home painting, the brush is Patten, dad don't want her to study design, so to now also don't know. In order to pursue their love and dreams, and keep the dad, like now, young people will have such experience。追问




第3个回答  2013-05-29
O(∩_∩)O~,你好啊。若需翻译这些句子,可加 Wo
第4个回答  2013-05-29
1,she gave up ballet owing to her injured leg.
2,Mama would hang the picture on the wall in the home.
having read international business, She a model, when she was yanng is now studying fashion because this is his hobby,
第5个回答  2013-05-29
because of the hurting feet ,she give up performing ballet