
1 你今天怎么来公司上班的 ?

2 我今天骑摩托车来上班的,没有坐公交车

3 我今天开车来上班的,没有乘坐公交车 / 没有骑摩托车

4 你下班后,怎么回家?

5 我下班后,开车回家 / 骑摩托回家

6 我下班后,乘公交车回家 / 搭同事的车回家。


1.How do you come to work today?
2. I came here by motorcycle, i did not take bus.
3. I drove my car, i did not take bus or ride the motorcycle.
4. How to go home from work?
5. I drive car or ride the motorcycle after work.
6.I go home by bus /take a colleague's car.
第1个回答  2013-05-03
1 how are you today to company work 2 I ride a motorcycle to work today, didn't take a bus 3 I drive to work today, there is no bus ride a motorcycle when you after work, how to go home? 5 after work, I drive home to ride a motorcycle go home 6 I after work, colleagues to take a bus to go home a lift home