

分词1.分词的性质:具有形容词性质,可以在句中担任表语、定语、宾补、状语,现在分词表示主动,且动作在进行:过去分词表示被动,或动作已完成。2.分词的形式:例: write (vt) rise (vi) 主动语态 被动语态 主动 过去分词时态现在时 writing being written rising risen / 完成时 having written having been written having risen / 3.分词的用法:(1)定语 分词置于被修饰名词前分词短语于置于被修饰名词后 a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping a running dog = a dog which is running a broken glass = a glass which is broken a beaten team = a team which is beaten(beaten 是被打败的意思)This is the problem discussed at the last meeting. The problem being discussed is very important. (2)表语:The book is interesting. He is interested in the book. The news is exciting. He feels excited. 3)宾语补足语:When I woke up, I found my mother sitting beside me. I'd like to havethis package weighed. 掌握精髓:动词不定式作宾语表示动作的全过程,而现在分词作宾补表示动作正在进行;过去分词表示被动概念。(4)状语:(以下例句值得一背!)① If you turn to the left, you'll find the station. → Turning to the left, you'll find the station. ② As I didn't receive her letter, I called her up by telephone. → Not receiving her letter, I called her up by telephone. ③ While I was walking to school yesterday morning, I met a friend. → Walking to school yesterday morning, I met a friend. ④ When she was asked it she had any bad habit, she answeredthat she was a heavy smoker. → Asked if she had any bad habit, she answered that she was a heavy smoker. 你知道吗?注意:在运用此类句型时主语前后要保持一致。① Whenschool was over, the boys went home. → Being over, the boys went home. × School being over, the boys went home. √ ② As my homework has been done, I have nothing else to do. → My homework having been done, I have nothing else to do. ③ Ifweather permits, I'll start tomorrow. → Weather permitting, I'll start tomorrow. ④ I fwe judge from his face, he must be ill. → Judging from his face, he must be ill.(这里应该是 we judging ...,但若主语是we, one, you表示“一般人”,主语可省略)实际上,这里涉及到独立主格结构问题,以后在作分解! 4.分词的时态: 现在分词一般时表示此动作与主句谓语动词同时发生。 现在分词完成时表示此动作在主句谓语动词之前发生。Entering the room, hesaw he. (几乎同时) Not having tried his best, he failed in the exam. (分词动作在前) 5.语态:现在分词一般时被动表动作正在被进行,完成时被动强调分词所表示的动作先被完成。The ships being loaded and unloaded belong to us. Having been warned of typhoon, the fishermen sailed for the nearest harbor.(渔民先被告知而后驶向港口)