

第1个回答  2013-05-13
Humansentered in twenty-first Century,to meet therapid development ofinformation technology in the worldchallenge,using information technology to stimulatethe modernization of education,has become an important way forthe leapfrog development of education.Geographyis one of the compulsorycoursein senior high schoolhas beentheimpactof internet.In the E environment,teachers'teaching methods and students'learning methodsare also influenced by thenetworkenvironment.How to make use of advantageous factors,E environmenttoteach students in accordance with their aptitude,stimulate students interest in learning,improve geographylearninghas become an important issuefacing the teaching ofgeography.
The traditional classroom teaching modelhas not fully adapted to theinformation ageclasses,the E environment,the students acceptknowledge and informationfrom various aspects,how tomake full use of all kinds ofcyber sourceintegrationteaching mode,improve the students'interest in learning geographyis the main contents of this paper.
Twoaspects ofresearch firstlearning interest fromresearch,the education network at home and abroadtodescribe the background;secondlyto findtheoretical support,related literature review,interest inE environment,the learningpsychological statusand high school geographylearningby analyzing the characteristics ofhigh school students;thirdly,the main study of theprocess of discussion,mainly from severalaspectsclassroom teachingis studied respectively,in the E environment,how to make use ofcyber sourcemodernization,classroom teaching,informationincluding:classroom teaching,situation creation,classroomcommunication between teachers and students,classroom questioning.Thenetwork teaching andimprovethe interest in learning geographyof combining study;finally,combined with thefeasibility of caseispractical,for E environment,in order to improve thestudents' geography learninghas opened up a new wayto createinterest ingeography classroomteaching mode.